Spending a happy day and starting to trip home (ch 7)

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Nearly a year after getting Sparkle's egg, we play with our all pokémon (Star, Cindy, and Flamy) on one beach. Alice and I are in our human forms, just in case.

Sparkle hasn't hatched, but we aren't worried because Arceus told us Sparkle could stay in the egg an extremely long time before hatching.

We check Sparkle's egg many times a day, and every time we touch the egg, we feel Sparkle's heart beating powerfully, peacefully, and evenly, as it did at the first touch, so we always know he is alright.

We take a break from playing to give lunch to our babies, eat lunch and take care of our babies' needs.

We change our babies' diapers, and then Alice says, "you have a birthday soon. What if we go to celebrate it with my family? My family lives in Twinleaf town, like yours."

I say, "sounds good. We could visit my family's house and then go to your home. How do we travel to Twinleaf town? Flying with Staraptor is the fastest way, but I'm not sure how to carry Sparkle's egg safely if we do so."

Alice says, "I think we should try to find a Rapidash to ride with and do like this: one of us drives with the Rapidash, and the other one walks next to the Rapidash carrying the egg, and when the one, who is reaching the egg gets tired, we switch places, and our pokémon decides themselves do they be in the poké balls or walking."

I say, "good idea. What if we start the trip tomorrow?"

Alice says, "agreed."

Then we continue playing with our babies.

After a while, I swing my hand in front of Alice's face to get her attention. Then I draw a circle in the air with my fist, lift my hands in front of myself, with my forefinger and thumb forming letter c while the other fingers are in a fist, and move my hands, both thumbs, and forefingers straight on each other, and move the hands forming a big u-letter in the air. It is my non-verbal way to tell Alice that I need a diaper change. We use it while I'm in human form. When I'm an Eevee (or we are with familiar, understanding people and pokémon), Alice checks my diaper the same way I check Star's diaper and tells me when it is time for a diaper change.

Alice nods at me and returns our pokémon into the poké balls.

We go to poké center near to us.

We go to a specific restroom. I change into an Eevee, and Alice puts me onto the changing table and changes my diaper to a clean one. Then Alice helps me down, and I go to our room while Alice calls Professor Rowan.

After the call, Alice comes to me, holding a poké ball, "professor Rowan sent me a Rapidash, we can extract. I return it when we reach Twinleaf town."

I say, "okay, that is nice."

All of us, except Alice, yawn, and Alice says, "what if you three take a nap? I will wake you up later. First, I check you are still in a clean diaper."

Alice checks my diaper that is clean.

I change my pajama on, and before I pull the covers on, Alice sits on the bed, shows me my pacifier making me smile big, and puts the pacifier into my mouth, puts the blanket on me, kisses my cheek, and says, "sweet dreams, dear."

I happily fall asleep while sucking my pacifier.

When I wake up, the others are awake already.

Alice comes to me and hugs me, "did you sleep well?"

I say, "yes, I did."

Alice says, "let's see if you are wet," checks my diaper," and says, "you have a wet diaper. It is a hot day. When you are ready, do you want to go swimming?"

I say, "I would like to go swimming, but we don't have swim diapers."

Alice shows me a pack of swim diapers, "Yes, we have swim diapers. I bought them from a big store specialized in baby pokémon needs."

I say, "I want to go swimming."

Alice smiles, "okay, sweetie, I go to change our babies' diapers to clean swim diapers and then pick you and go to change you in a swim diaper. Then we go to the beach, swimming."

Alice went changing our babies' diapers and came back with them.

Our babies are so happy.

Alice comes to me and says, "now is your turn."

I say, "yay!... Um, I would like to go swimming in this form with only a diaper on. But I'm scared someone may bully me."

Alice hugs me, "aw, sweetie, if you want, you can go swimming like this. I will stand for you if it is needed."

I hug her back, "thank you."

"You're welcome, Sky. Now transform, then I change you."

I do as Alice says and start to walk towards the specific restroom, where we change our babies' diapers.

Alice takes the diaper bag and follows me.

After we reach the changing room and Alice closes the door, I hear Alice is laughing.

"A-are laughing at me?" I say in pokémon language, lowering my ears.

"I was laughing at how happy and super cute you looked when you waddled here. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm sorry," Alice answers in pokémon language.

I hold my paws up, and Alice picks me up.

I say, "I know it was an accident."

Alice gently presses my nose with her forefinger, making me laugh, and join in, and we laugh together.

Then Alice says, "okay, now is finally time for your diaper change," and puts me onto my back on the changing table.

After my change, I have the swim diaper on, and Alice carries me back to our room.

When we both are in human form, we check our babies' diapers the last time before going to the beach, and they are clean.

Alice grabs my hand, and we walk to the beach as our pokémon waddle after us.

On the beach, we go into the water and start to play water fight.

We laugh together.

We play the whole day until evening. The only breaks we take are eating breaks, water breaks, and getting changed when needed.

In the evening, we have played a lot. We start to go back to the pokémon center.

We take Star and Cindy on our laps and wrap them with soft towels. They instantly fall asleep.

We go inside carrying Star and Cindy on our laps, go to change their wet, soiled swim diapers to clean regular diapers, put them in the bed, and tuck them in together.

Then I take Flamy out of his poké ball, change his diaper, take a baby bottle filled with warmed milk, and make Flamy drink the milk until he is asleep.

When Flamy is asleep, I lay him on his side.

When our pokémon are asleep, Alice changes my diaper, and we go to sleep with Flamy sleeping between us.

We fall asleep so quickly and happily.

In the morning, we do the routines like changing diapers, eating breakfast, feeding our babies, and making them drink.

Then we start the trip to Twinleaf town.

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