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Unlike yesterday, I wasn't late today. I was on my way to the bus stop on my usual timing, even though the bus was going to be late.

The stranger kept popping up in my mind quite a number of times throughout the whole day yesterday.

A part of me hoped to see him at the bus stop today as well. I wanted to get to know more of him. 

A smile formed on my lips as I noticed a now-familiar figure sitting on the same spot as yesterday.

He looked at me as I sat down on the right side of the bench kinda seat.

"Hey stranger, waiting for me?" I said looking at him.

"Good morning...So...Eun? If I heard that right" He said slightly frowning as he said my name.

"Yes, Kim Soeun. Good morning to you too..." 

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook" He said with a glowing smile on his face.

So the stranger is called Jungkook. Huh.

"Wow, the name sounds so great." I said as he smiled shyly.

"Nice to meet you Soeun." He reached out his hand towards me for a handshake like we were in some formal meet and greet.

I firmly gripped his hands as he wrapped his fingers around my palm and shaked it while giggling.

Our hands let go of each other as we both were giggling.

"You're a cutie." He looked like a small baby while giggling like that. He responded to my remark with a shy smile.

"Not a level to finish today?" I asked him.

"I guess not," He replied.

"What game were you playing?" 

"Candy Crush" His doe eyes replied looking at my face.

"No way! You play Candy Crush? I thought everyone stopped playing that game?"

"I didn't. I have been playing for many years although I stopped playing in between briefly."

"I used to play back in middle school. I stopped playing. It's been a long. I'm curious. What do you do at the bus stop thirty minutes early?" I asked him.

"To talk to fresh morning air. Trust me" He replied, trying to make a serious face.

"I met you just yesterday for me to actually trust you."

"But you can't deny that we aren't exactly strangers anymore since we know both our names and have met each other before as well."

"Okay, we are definitely not strangers as we were yesterday but we aren't friends either and moreover no sane human being will believe you saying that you come to the bus stop half an hour early to talk to the air." I said the last bit with some sarcasm.

"Well, since you wouldn't trust my words because I'm someone you met just a day ago so I suggest we should become friends, at least then you'll trust your friend and not just someone you met a day ago."

"Jungkook-ssi, I'm sorry to say this but I guess you'll have to work harder to become friends with me? I don't just become friends with anyone."

"Ouch" He made a hurt face. "That really hurt. You are kinda mean" He said making a pouty face.

"How sad!" I imitated his sad face with a little bit of sarcasm. "Also you ignored me for the first five minutes yesterday. I'm hurt as well."

"You know I was playing."

"Yea whatever. You said you are staying at your Grandma's house for a few days?"

"Ah yes. I lived overseas with my parents, we moved to Busan two years ago

"Jungkook, stop teasing me."

"Haha you wish. What happened to the bus yesterday?"

"Construction work. So the driver had to change the route. He said it'll be reaching here late for the next few days."

"You aren't even panting today? You came early?"

"Yes, I came here early on purpose. To talk to the air you see."

"Humans are weird."

"What are you, Sir? Superhuman?"

"oh no no. I'm good at fighting though."

"and I'm not even slightly interested in getting injured."

"Come on, you don't look that weak."

"I never said I'm weak, you are just physically stronger than me."

"So you go to Daeju for school? I live in Daeju."

[A/N: Daeju here is a fictional city.]

"Yes, school and dance classes. You came here to your grandparents?"

"My grandparents live here. I lived in another province with my parents until we shifted to Busan when I was in Junior year. You never saw me here before? Not that I stayed for long periods."

"Are you Jeon granny's grandson?"


"Whoa, she is such a good person. I don't know her very much, but I know her."

"Have you lived here since childhood? How did you never see me before?"

"No, I've been staying here for two years now. I prolly saw you but thought you were just a visitor or something."

"You seem like a good person."

"That's on you, but, why do you come to the bus stop so early?"

"You wouldn't stop until I tell you, would you?"

"No, it's okay, if you don't wanna tell. I'm just curious. Sorry."

"Nothing special, trust me. Just fresh air."

"Yea, anyways, do you have any hobbies?"

"Listening to music I would say. What about you?"

"Apart from dancing, I like doodling a lot. What type of music do you listen to more?"

"Nothing specific. Depends on my mood actually. Why are you so curious about me?"

"I don't know, maybe because you were a stranger."

"Am I still a stranger?"

"Not really, but I don't know you well yet. You had been lingering in my mind yesterday, I didn't even ask you your name."

"but now you know it. Isn't that your bus?" He said turning his head towards a bus coming towards the stop and then turning back towards me.

"Yes, gotta go. Have a nice day. Jungkook" 

I paused for a second while glancing at his face one last time for today. Huh. At Least I know his name now.

Stranger //JJKWhere stories live. Discover now