
8 2 1

" Morning Jeon!" I waved at him while taking a seat beside him on the bench.
" Good Morning Kim!" He did a lil wave with a smile.

His doe eyes and that bunny smile that I've known for two days.

"Any tea for the day?" I asked him.

"Last I checked, I am not your friend. yet. and I don't share any tea with just someone like that. " He said sarcastically.

"Oh my- how did I know you so well in two days to have already expected a reply like this?" I said dramatically palming my mouth to act as if it's shocking.

"You are so dramatic." He said with a chuckle.

"Of course I'm."

"Oh, I know we aren't friends yet, but I told my grandma about you, she asked you to have dinner with us tonight. So if you want to…?" He said with a tint of hesitation in his voice.

"She's such a sweet person, how on earth can I turn down her invitation? but you're still not my friend." I said with an assuring smile.

"How am I gonna befriend you in just four days? You're pretty…" He started searching for the word.

"Demanding?" I chuckled.

"Nope, I know that you're doing this for fun." He said with a lil proud smirk.

"I feel…exposed" I said dramatically, pausing in between. "Okay, but to be fair, I find you really interesting for some reason and I would love to hangout with you. Maybe we'll end up as friends."

"Deal. What if I don't enjoy hanging out with you and don't wanna be friends?" He replied sarcastically.

"I strongly believe that wouldn't be the case, but if it so happens then be rest assured that we won't end up as enemies at least."

We both laughed at that.

"Hmm…so maybe you can show me around here so we'll get to hang out together?" He suggested.

"Sure thing, I'd love to. Let's go to the beach tomorrow evening?"

"Alright. Anywhere today evening?"

"Apologies, my schedule doesn't permit it but I'll be having dinner at your place so we can hang out then."

"Oh oh no worries."

"I was wondering if we could exchange numbers?" I asked him kind of feeling unsure.

"I was hesitant to ask you this, I thought you may not feel comfortable."

We exchanged numbers and he sent me a text.

+82 ########## sent you a message.

+82 ##########:
Hi Soeun! ^_^

Kim Soeun:
hi >.<


I saved his number as Jungkoook.

We chatted for a while longer about ourselves and other random things until my bus came.

[At Jungkook's Grandma's House]

I stood on the porch about to ring the bell with a bag of desert in my hand as a gift.
I was wearing my favourite comfy minimal tshirt dress.
I rang the bell.

The door was soon answered by the stranger…he's not exactly a stranger anymore…his name is Jungkoook.

"Hey!" He greeted me with a warm and energetic smile.
"Hellooo!" I greeted him back with the same energy.
"Come in" He gestured to me to get in.

I walked in and I saw the house. It had a very minimalistic and cosy vibe. Everything was well organised in spite of the fact that it's generally just his grandma who lives here as much as I know.

I walked in further to be greeted by grandma.
"Hello Grandma" I bowed to greet her.
"Soeun-ie I rarely see you around, you've grown more pretty since I last saw you. Jungkook-ie mentioned how he met you."
"I'm mostly busy with school and daily commuting to the city so I don't get much spare time." I replied.
"You're really hardworking, that's good but don't overwork yourself either, you should always take care of yourself, then you can work even harder. Take me for it, I always cared for myself, and look at me being so strong even at this age."
"I'll take care of myself don't worry grandma"
"Dinner will be done in a while, you both chat till then.
"Grandma, I got these desserts for us." I handed her the bag.
"We'll have this together after dinner. Go now"
" Can I help with the dinner?" I asked her.
"Today is your first time having dinner here, so don't bother and go have fun, next time you can help."

I love how she already said that I could help her out next time, like she knows we'll become friends. She's really nice.

[Time skip]

Today was a really long day. I enjoyed it so much. We had dinner together and desserts afterwards. I and Jungkoook talked about our hobbies and things we like and we dislike and so many other things. We laughed a lot at our jokes. We shared stories from our life.

It's weird how I just met him that day and I feel so comfortable while talking to him. He is a really fun and nice person, he would make the worst jokes but yet they're so funny.

I'm not really an introvert so I guess it makes more sense for me to get so acquainted with a guy I met just two days back.

With several other thoughts pondering in my head about school and other things I closed my eyes out of fatigue and drifted off to dreamland…Good Night.

#Author's Note#

If you reached till here, thank you for reading the first three chapters of "Stranger".
I drafted this story many months back but didn't end up writing it.
I've finally decided to take up this story and finish it .
Honestly, unlike the previous stories I wrote, I don't really have a plot determined for this story.
So, let's see where this story flows or what sort of content it'll have in it.
Initially, I'd thoughts of making it a cute highschool thingy but now let's see where it goes.
As for the new chapter updates, I'll try to update every week.

xndra ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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