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Besotted I said
Oh how the love for him burns so red
How every glance I look at him his face seems more perfect every time
Oh how I want him even after I have died

Besotted I screamed
His eyes so perfect as they seemed
Oh how I get lost in them
And how I am beamed to create eye contact
And how he is the one to I have felt attract
He is the one, this I will forever state as a fact

Besotted I whispered
How his personality appeared
How can one be so fascinating
Like a dream never to be answered
Like a dream that seemed so close to reality yet so far
Is my bar set too high
For it will be my who will cry
He is too perfect, nothing I am deserving of, more than I could ever be grateful of

Besotted I shouted
For the days I have counted
Down the days till the day he's mine
Am I counting for nothing or will my patience be paid in time
The courage I had mounted
The courage I had
The courage to tell you my feelings
And for you to read this very poem

Besotted, I want to tell you I am besotted

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