Love at first sight

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Roses are red
Violets are blue
Love at first sight has only been with you
For I have never been in such admiration
I have never been so in love
2 turtle doves
The birds in that one Christmas song
When you have one and I have one we shall always get along
People can do rights and people can do wrongs
But you
You my love
Shall always be forgiven for any wrong as you are so beautiful oh how you do deserve a song

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Oh how you want kids and I want them too
I want marriage as do you
So why not now, better sooner rather than later
What's there to lose

I know we are too young to marry
And too young for kids
But live life on the edge
And get with me

We belong
We are meant to be
So darling I am not wrong
Take a chance
Ask me to dance
All I want is to be with you wherever you are, so ask me to be your girl
And I will be sure too twirl
I will fill with over excitement
And pray it never ends

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I love you
Do you love me too?

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