Chapter Fifty

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"Did you do it? Did you love it?" Jaina asked as soon as we walked in the house.
"Hello to you too." Y/N laughed.
"Did you get the you know what's?" Jaina looked like a child on Christmas morning.
"Bambini! Come out front for a minute!" I called as I reached and took Xander from Jaina.
"I wanna see!" Jaina whined.
"You can ride with us to show the kids. Are you sure we don't have six children?" Y/N asked.
Jaina playfully slapped her shoulder as Luna and Rory came running up.

"Get your shoes on bellas, we're going on a drive."
"To where?" Luna asked.
"You'll see."

We all walked outside, and the girls squealed and ran to the car.
"Holy shi-"
"Language." Y/N interrupted Jaina.
"Holy crap! This is so freaking cool! Can I drive?" Jaina asked.
"Maybe later. Hop in kids! That means you Jaina."

We got everyone settled in the car, Luna, Rory, and Jaina were practically exploding with happiness.
"It has a TV!" Jaina squealed.

"Are you sure we don't have six kids?" Y/N laughed as we backed out of the driveway.

We held hands the whole way there, while the kids and Jaina talked animatedly about the car.
"Alright bambini! Close your eyes!" I said cheerfully as we pulled onto the street.

Y/N looked back to make sure they weren't peeking, and gave me a thumbs up.

I pulled into the driveway, and put the car in park.
"Okay kids! We're here!"

The kids opened their eyes and gasped.
"Mamma, who's house is this?" Luna asked.
"It's our new house bella! Surprise!"

I got out of the car and opened the back door, letting the kids and Jaina out.
"I got Xander. Go open the door I wanna see everything!" Jaina said as she reached and unbuckled Xander.

We walked to the front door where the kids were bouncing with excitement.
As soon as I opened it, they rushed in and looked around.
"Mamma! Mom! This place is amazing!" Rory squealed.
"Come on babies, let me show you your rooms." Y/N took their hands and they walked off.

"Daaaammnnn Stef, this place is gorgeous." Jaina exclaimed as she walked in with Xander.
"Grazie Jaina. I'm glad the kids love it. It's the perfect size for all of us."
"I'm really proud of you and Y/N. I mean, look at you guys. You're all grown up and married with five kids. My babies have grown up in me." She wiped away a fake tear.
"We couldn't have done it without you all."

"Mamma! This is awesome!" Luna came running back into the entrance way and hugged me.
"I'm glad you like it bella, did your Mom show you everything?"
"Except for upstairs."
"Why don't you take your sister and your Tìa and look around upstairs?"

Luna ran off and got Rory, then dragged her, Jaina, and Xander upstairs.

I chuckled at the excitement of my kids, and went to find Y/N.
"Hey, beautiful. What are you doing out here?" I asked as I walked out back.
"Just looking around. The back yard is nice." She turned and smiled at me.
"I liked the deck, it's larger than the one we have at home." I wrapped my arms around her waist, and pulled her close.
"I can't wait to start a new chapter of our lives here."
"Only good memories from here on out."

One month later

"Okay. That's the last box." I breathed out as I set the small box in the living room.
"Thank God. Who knew we had so much stuff?" Stefania huffed as she leaned against the couch.
"Well, with three kids and two on the way we're bound to have a lot of stuff."

My phone started ringing and I pulled it out of my pocket, "Hey B, what's up?"
"Danielle's in labor! We need you all at the hospital now!"
"What? She's only twenty-six weeks!" I grabbed my purse and keys and Stefania and I ran out of the house.
I tossed the car keys to Stefania, and we got in the car.
"I don't know Y/N her water broke and-" Barrett's voice broke.
"We're on our way Barrett, we're coming."

I hung up the phone and dialed Jaina's number as we sped to the hospital.
"Hey, how's the moving coming?"
"Danielle's in labor, can you or someone stay at our old house and wait for the kids to come home and pick up Xander from daycare?"
"What? She's not far enough along!" Jaina cried.
"I know, I know." I sighed and rubbed my face.
"I got the kids. Let me know what's going on."
"Thank you Jaina. I'll call you in a little bit." I hung up the phone and grabbed Stefania's hand.

"Everything will be okay bambina." Stefania squeezed my hand as we drove into the parking lot.
"God, I hope so."

We got out of the car and ran into the hospital and up to the receptionist.
"Can I help you?" He asked.
"We're looking for Danielle Savre?"

"Guys." Barrett walked over to us with a tear stained face.
"Barrett, come here honey." I wrapped my arms around her and held her as close as my fourteen week belly would let me.
"What happened? Is she okay?" Stefania asked as Barrett moved to hug her.
"We were on set, and she kept feeling pressure down there and she thought that it was just Braxton Hicks or the baby moving or something. She went to take a step and her water broke. They took her back and wouldn't let me in the OR." Barrett wiped her tears away.
"She's having a c section?"
"Yeah. They started right after I called you. They said it shouldn't take longer than thirty minuets. It's been forty-five. What if something happened? What if I lose both my girls? What if-"
"Don't talk like that Barrett. Everything is gonna be okay. You wanna go to the chapel? Light a candle?" I asked gently.
She hesitated for a moment, then nodded.
Stefania said she would wait behind in case someone came to update us.

Barrett and I held hands as we walked into the chapel. There was an intern sitting on the pew, who I thought was praying at first, but he was sleeping. I kicked his foot as we walked by and he startled awake.
"Find somewhere else to do that. Have some respect." I growled.
He muttered an apology and ran out of the chapel.

Barrett's hands were shaking as she tried to light the match. I gently took the matches from her and lit the candle for her.
"Can we pray?" She asked in a small voice.
"Of course." I took her hand and we bowed out heads and closed our eyes.

"Dear God, my friend is about to undergo a very delicate surgery. Just thinking about the operation makes me very worried for her and her child's well-being. But Lord, I trust that You are sovereign. You are in control of this situation. My friend's life is in Your hands. I ask that You surround us with Your peace that we may not worry and that You also touch my friend with Your powerful healing hands.

Bless the surgeons as well, God. Give them steady, dexterous hands as they operate on my friend. Keep their minds sharp all throughout the operation, so that every move they make will serve to help my friend's and her daughter's bodies.
All these I ask in Your Name, Amen."

"Thank you. I know you're not really religious but-"
"Anything for you Barrett." I interrupted.

"Miss Doss?"
We turned and saw a surgeon walking in with Stefania.

Barrett grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly as they got closer.
"The surgery was successful. Your fiancé and daughter are doing fantastic. We gave your daughter a steroid shot to help develop her lungs. Since she was born at twenty-six weeks, she'll have to stay in the NICU for a while. She is 1.6 lbs and 13.78 inches long. Danielle should be awake shortly, if you would like to see her."
"Yes, yes please thank you so much." Barrett cried.

The doctor wrote down the room number and gave it to Stefania as Barrett cried on my shoulder.
"They made it bella, they're going to be fine." Stefania soothed as she rubbed Barrett's back.
"Come on, let's take you to see Dani."

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