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"Here, ma." Rayne breathed as she handed me a cup of ice chips. I smiled appreciatively and chewed on them nervously. We were at Mount Sinai waiting for all the test results. They tested me for nearly everything, doing a blood penal that even covered HIV and HPV.

I was nervous.

I knew it was probably just a flu since I'm always around people more than I'm used to. I couldn't possibly be pregnant and I would know if I had an std. The pregnancy tests I took came back negative and I get tested every three to six months when I get my birth control shot.

"Relax, ma. I'm sure everything is fine." Rayne whispered as she rubbed my back. I moaned and nodded as I touched my stomach, placing the cup of ice chips on my cheek to cool down my skin.

"Okay, so.." I heard the doctor start as he walked into the room. I looked up at him and saw him smiling widely as he looked between Rayne and I.

"What is it? Why you smilin like that, doc?" Rayne asked as she continued to rub my back.

"So the nausea, the fever, and everything is because you're pregnant."

"Huh?" I asked as I shook my head, trying to make sure I heard him right. I looked up at Rayne and saw she was just as shocked as I was before looking at the doctor again.

"Yes..almost three months. Congratulations family."

"I-I'm on the shot. I had my period last month, I don't understand-"

"Ah, yes. You got your period because of the extra hormones from the shot. Once you stop the injection, which I really suggest you do, you won't get your period anymore because your hormones will balance out. I'll send prenatal pills to your pharmacy and give you both a diet list with your discharge papers."

Both Rayne and I stared at the ground with wide eyes as the doctor walked out of the room before looking at each other. We both looked as if we were a deer in headlights, neither of us budging from the spot we were in.

I'm pregnant? With Rayne's baby? I could've sworn-

"The faded positive.." I whispered, the tears welling in my eyes as I came to the realization that the little inclining inside of me was correct. The birth control masked my pregnancy hormones, which is why the tests came back negative except for that one.

Oh fuck..

"H-how do you feel about that?" I whispered as I looked over at Rayne who was now sitting in the chair with her chin in her hands. She looked at me with wide, red eyes and swallowed hard.

"It's ya body, baby..How do you feel?" She asked in the most gentlest voice that it made me want to crawl on top of her and cry.

"I-I mean I don't know. I never really thought about kids-"

"Then we don't have to-"

"I didn't say I wasn't considering it." I breathed, causing her eyes to widen even more. I nodded slowly, looking down at my stomach and touching it with a gentle hand. This baby was made out of love and pure passion. It was made by the kindest woman I've ever met in my life.

Not to mention the most gorgeous one.

I was already three months. I guess we conceived on my birthday. That thought made me smile slightly, my memories slipping back to that night of passion we shared together. It felt so good in the moment, and the moments after that. We've built a bond together for the last five months that I've never had with anyone before.

"I mean I already call you my wife. Ion know..it's up to you, ma. Don't feel press-"

"I love you." I whispered as I looked up at her with tears streaming down my face. Rayne stood and walked over before kneeling in front of me, slowly wrapping her arms around my waist and placing her face against my stomach.

"I love you. We in this together. No matter what." She breathed.

"I'm still not sure-"

"You got three weeks to decide. I remember my health class I took. You got until about 20 weeks before they deny abortions. That's four to five months."

"You always surprise me." I chuckled as I ran a hand through her hair. She grinned and looked up at me with gleaming eyes.

"So, we havin a baby, mama?" She asked quietly. I sighed and smiled down at her before nodding.

"Yes, papa. We're having a baby."

"Oh my GOD! I'm planning the baby shower! Oh my GOD! I'm gonna be an auntie!" Stacy squealed into the phone causing me to roll my eyes with a smirk on my face. Rayne was fast asleep next to me, her head laying on my stomach and her arms wrapped around my waist. It was after twelve but I couldn't sleep.

My thoughts were churning. I couldn't believe I was having a baby with the woman that I loved. My life has taken a turn completely from the moment I laid eyes on Rayne, and it felt good.


"Easy, girl. I just found out. I'm getting an ultrasound tomorrow after work-"

"Oh my GOD I want pictures. If it's a girl I just know Rayne is gonna melt-"

"I don't find out until five months, Stace. Don't go buying nothin' yet, Damn." I chuckled. I was happy that my friend was happy for me. I just wanted to make sure I was really having this baby first before planning anything else. I wanted to make sure I was healthy and that the little nugget was comfortable in there
before getting my hopes up.

It seems like everytime I get overly excited about something, it gets snatched away from me. I refuse to allow that anymore. Not only would I be devastated, but Rayne would be too if I were to lose this baby.

I've already started to mentally prepare myself for the fact that I'm becoming a mother. I've always seen myself alone, living in luxury with a few cats until I died. But now, I can have a little family all while I live the life I built in peace.

But for now, I had to make sure this Ronald situation was dealt with. I refuse to work with a predator.

"Stacy, I need your help with something." I breathed into the phone.

"Anything, babes. What's up?"

"I need you to do something for me, but you can't tell anyone until it's done. Okay?"

Her Helping Hand. (W|W, INTERSEX.) Where stories live. Discover now