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I don't feel any shame

And I won't apologize

- Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day

"Where's P'Boun?", Prem suddenly asked when he noticed that the senior was missing in front of him.

Peak shrugged and leaned towards him, "Bathroom break? He disappeared with Bonz somewhere there."

Prem looked at the rows of rooms beyond where Peak had pointed out and somehow doubted that Boun would be back or even the other guy. He knew right away that something was up when the new acquaintance switched seats with their supposed to be driver, Bosston.

He didn't know what to think or how he should feel when he sees Boun later or to be exact, that morning. But at that moment, he wanted to throw away the sudden emptiness and disappointment he felt deep inside him. He then decided to join the others by the beach who were dancing and crowding over a bonfire they had made. 

As he approached them, he could hear a famous rock band blaring from a bluetooth speaker and felt like dancing to the rhythm

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As he approached them, he could hear a famous rock band blaring from a bluetooth speaker and felt like dancing to the rhythm. He joined the other dancers and moved his body to his heart's content as if they were participating the Bacchanalia. It was a Roman festival celebrated under the name of the god of wine, Bacchus. He represented freedom, intoxication and ecstasy but Prem felt that the frenzied trip wasn't still enough even if he already felt numb as he slumped on the sand out of exhaustion after a few songs.

He was already out of breath and felt his head spinning from all the alcohol he took but he knew that nothing at that moment could make him feel any better no matter what he do so he decided to stop and lie down on the sand away from the crowd.

When he closed his eyes, he suddenly felt drops of water hit his skin and thought that there was an early morning drizzle but was surprised when he heard somebody near him spoke when he tried to wipe away the droplets.

"Oh, sorry about that. I thought I'd give you company since you moved away from the group but ended up disturbing you."

Prem squinted his eyes on the wet man who had no shirt on and sat up straight, "I'm okay. You don't have to worry about me. You can go back to your friends now."

He didn't know the drenched person and figured that he just came from a swim but didn't bother to dry himself or even cover up for that matter. Since they were the last ones to arrive, he didn't pay attention when the new faces introduced themselves after he introduced Boun, so he tried to scan his memory for any useful information. 


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Boun and Prem: Magnus HavenWhere stories live. Discover now