Chapter 8

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Side Effects

Chapter 8:

I had to stay here till Steve passed. I saw a large figure and squinted my eyes as this figure got closer. It was Steve. I froze. Not moving. Just starring up at him.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked with a smirk planted on his face. I had no time to answer as he lifted me up. I tried screaming but his hand quickly covered my mouth and he dragged me back to the house. I kicked and hit him only to make him grip me harder.

We finally reached the house and he shoved me inside. I had tears pouring down my face by this time. Steve drew closer than suddenly kicked me hard. Very hard in the ribs once again. I shrieked in pain as he grabbed me by the hair shoving me up against the wall.

Steves going to kill me... this is it. I needed to get out of here. I felt a sharp pain hit my cheek twice and i felt as if i was bleeding. Steve knocked me back to the ground and slammed my head right onto the tile floor. I was in so much pain but by this time my body was so numb i couldnt feel it. I was left lying on the cold floor as Steve angrily went into his room.

Only to come back out with a ... hammer. I gulped loudly and starred at him. I was terrified. Steve rose up the hammer and i moved just before it hit my chest. It collided with the tile shattering it to pieces. And to think that was going to hit me. I got up weakly and went for the door wincing in pain.

This time Steve didnt chase me. He let me go. Knowing that i would probably not survive. I walked down the street crying silently to myself. I walked further. Again not knowing exactly where i was heading. I just kept going though. I looked left. An ally. A group of guy were there and they whistled coming closer. I quickly wiped my tears and squinted trying to get a better look.

"Hey sexy" One of them said as he came closer. I shook my head in disgust and began walking again.

"Hey we never said you could leave." Another one said grabbing my arm.

"Get off me" I said through gritted teeth.

"Oo feisty " They laughed and one grabbed hold of my shirt trying to pull it off. Its obvious theyre all drunk. I tried pulling away until i felt a strong grasp on me. I started panicking until i heard a familiar voice.

"Hey get off her" I looked over seeing Alex standing by his car. He walked over pulling the guys off. "Shes with me" alex said and i looked at him relieved. The strange guys backed off and Alex gently took me to his car.

"Are you okay?" He asked as i got into the passenger seat.

"Y-yeah." I looked down.

"What happened to you.." He asked slowly.

"They did it.." I lied and closed my eyes but Alex knew something was up.

"Really Ava what happened with you" He asked and i could sense he really wanted to know and help.

"Nothing" I looked out the window.

"Ava.. please you can trust me." He whispered and i looked at him slowly.

"Dont make me" I said looking away from his stare. "Please.."

"Im always here Ava.. please" I finally gave in. I told him about everything with my dad and just.. basically .. everything.

"Ava.. i-im so sorry.." He shook his head in disbelief and i could feel the tears brimming my eyes. "How come you havent told anyone?" He asked after a momemt of silence.

"Because.. he said hed kill me if i did" I finally managed to say. My head shot up and i looked at him " Please dont tell anyone!!" I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Ava .. you need to .. if you dont i will" He looked me straight in the eyes and i avoided the eye contact.

"Please Alex dont!!" I looked him in the eyes saying this.

"The police need to know" Alex said sighing.

"No" I shook my head fast. No way. i wasnt going to let that happen. I turned to Alex. "Please Alex" I guess he could see i was really desperate for him not to tell so he promised..

I looked down as we started driving.

"I dont wanna go home Alex.." He looked at me quickly.

"Wanna stay in my guest room?" He asked and i shrugged.

"You really dont have to have me stay.. im just saying i dont wanna go back. You can drop me off anywhere. I dont care." I said slowly.

"You're staying in my guest room" He nodded and we pulled up to his house.

"You sure its okay?" I asked smiling a little.

"Of course Ava.." He looked over at me smiling big.


(A/N) Wellllll sucky chapter ugh :/ IM SORRY OKAY. I tried updating for you guys!!! But its only chapter 8 ;) So WAAAAY more to come.


Well theres that chapter. I cant believe Steve. I hate him. but awww Alex is so sweet and she told him everything ;o Do you think he'll tell? or can he keep a secret? Idkkkk... ;)




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