Chapter 2

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My eyes feel heavy and I open them slowly. I blink a few times to get used to the light. The soft bed almost swallows me back into my sleep. I need to stay awake. I take another good look around and I'm in a small room with colorful paintings painted on the wall. From the inside, it looks like a trailer. I want to sit up, but I am held back against two iron rings on my hands. What the hell happened? All I remember is that I climbed over the fence and fell. Who took me and what do they want with me?

The small door on the left is opened. I continue to stare. A tall boy with black curls enters. He looks at me and begins to gasp. ' are you?' He speaks with a crazy accent. 'I'll be right back.' He walks out of the little room again. A few minutes later the boy comes back along with a blonde girl. The girl starts talking, 'I understand you have a lot of questions. We do too. We are Avery and Ezrah. Our group called Vala found you badly injured near a fence. We took you in because we didn't want to leave you to your fate. '

I cast a glance at my handcuffs and say, "why did you guys tie me up? The blonde girl comes a little closer and continues her story.

'I'm sure you must understand that it's already very generous of us to rescue and care for you. But we don't know if you are dangerous. In order not to run this risk, we have you handcuffed. '

Okay, I have to be honest and say that I don't blame them. But it's certainly not nice to be handcuffed every time. It's all a lot of information.

'In front of your bed is a bell. You can reach it with your feet. If you need to go to the restroom you press the bell and an invigilator comes to go with you.'

The blonde girl says something else to the boy and walks out of the caravan again. The boy says something to someone behind a curtain. A few seconds later, the caravan begins to move. 'Where are we going?", I ask.

'We're taking you to our village, so you can get your strength back. '

The boy sits down on a bench in the room. 'I need to change your bandages again, so I'll come a little closer.' He grabs some new bandages and sits down next to me on the bed. Now I can get a better look at him. He has handsome hazel eyes and his spiky curls just fall into his face. "What's your name? He looks at me with genuine interest. Should I just say my name? He doesn't know who I am anyway. Does he? Or is this some sick game of the Capitol? I'll just say my first name otherwise. 'My name is Lucy.' 'Nice name you have.' My arm is full of scratches and a deep wound. He sees me looking. 'You'll be fine with your arm though! It just needs some time. He smiles at me with little dimples on his cheeks.

With his muscular arms, he carefully wraps the new bandage on it. 'I get that it's all a bit much. And that Avery is an intimidating person.' He laughs a little to himself. 'But we all have good intentions' He gets up and says, 'I brought some more delicious muffins. You might like that.' He pulls a so-called muffin out of the basket. It looks a bit like risen dough. He hands it to me and for a moment I doubt if it is not poison. But my hunger overcomes the doubt. It is an explosion of flavor. It's sweet and fluffy with little bits of berry mixed in.

'Glad you like it!" says Ezrah. We talk for a bit more and I feel myself getting tired. He notices and says, 'I can imagine you're tired. So I'll close your curtains and I'll stay here surveying until midnight. Then Avery will come and swap me over and she'll supervise you. Good night!'

After my little red curtains close, it gets dark and I slowly fall asleep. My dreams take me back to the shooting of Coriolanus. I was so scared. Coriolanus had lost his way completely. I am shot and I am startled awake. It's tremendously quiet in the trailer. When I found out that he had also killed Sejanus, I knew I wasn't safe anymore. He's a murderer. A murderer has this madness in him, and even though he says he would never kill me. I don't believe him. My only plan left was to get over the border with Coriolanus, then after that, I could flee from him. I was damn lucky to make it, but I can never go back to Panem. He would frame me for the murder of Sejanus and I would be hung by the tree. As an example to the others.

I need some fresh air. I press the bell with my feet and hear a sigh. Avery opens my curtains and releases me from the handcuffs. 'In one minute Hunter is coming to get me, can't you go yourself ', she says snappy. 'Just go by a tree outside the camp and come right back. They'll kill me if they find out I let you go alone. ' I don't say anything about it. But being able to be alone for a while is nice. I quietly sneak out of my caravan and look for a covered spot. I take a quiet walk around the trees and I go to the bathroom. I can run away now if I want. But where the hell am I supposed to go? I don't know the whole area and I don't know if there are any dangerous animals here. I walk back. As I walk back, I hear two boys around 25 talking around a campfire. I hide behind the tree and eavesdrop on them.

'Are you sure it's a good idea to bring her along? Soon she'll be a spy and we'll be attacked.'

'Yes, maybe she is a spy, but we couldn't leave her there like that. That goes against our principles and you know it.' 'Besides, she is too weak now to do anything to us and she is being watched 24 hours.'

'But boss...', the other boy is cut off.

'No buts, this is my decision, we'll see what we do with her later.'

They both walk away and I walk past the trees quickly back to the trailer. Avery is gone and there is no one left in the trailer. I gently lie back down in my bed and just to be sure they don't find it suspicious I put my own handcuffs back on. 

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