Chapter 3

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I wake up to the smell of sweet pancakes. My eyes slowly get used to the light and I sit up straight. Mmm. Huh, how come I can sit up straight all at once. I look back and the handcuffs have been removed from my bed. From behind the second curtain comes Ezrah with a plate full of small flat pancakes. 'Yes, the handcuffs were broken when I came here to supervise. I should have put new ones on, but you were lying there so peacefully I left you. But handcuffs are not fair anyway, so I talked to the leader. And I managed to convince him not to handcuff you anymore. Under the condition that around all times there is someone to supervise you.'

'That's fine, thank you.' He hands me a plate with a knife and fork. I cut the pancakes and enjoy the taste sensation in my mouth. 'We're almost at the village. It's still two hours away.' I smile and he grabs his supplies to tend to my wounds. He grabs a little cleaning alcohol and he smears it all over my wound. AAH, that stings! He says it needs to be for a while so there are no infections. After he's done, he asks, "Do you feel like playing a game of cards in the meantime? I agree and he grabs some old playing cards. 'Can you do Crazy Eights?' 'Yes' Mayfair taught me.

We sit down at a small table with two chairs. He divides the cards and starts with a five of spades. I look between my cards and I have all two bully cards. I'm going to win this. Now I throw up a five of clubs first. And he now throws a two of diamonds on the table. 'I'm not going to pick up a two though!', I say with a sneaky smile. My first joker is thrown on the table. Ezrah theatrically raises his hand and puts it on his head. 'Oh no!' He throws another two on it and then me another joker. Ezrah casts a disappointed look at his cards and throws another two on them. 'Shit, I've run out of bully cards. 'That's going to be taking 14 cards.' Now it's my turn to fall down theatrically on the table. Ezrah can't hold back his laughter, and a roar of laughter comes out of the boy. I look at him and I also burst into laughter. We look at each other and I start laughing even harder. Tears shoot out of my eyes and my laughter now sounds like a seal. Which makes Ezrah laugh so hard he falls off his chair.

The caravan stops moving and a girl comes in. She looks at us and also has to laugh at the spectacle taking place on the ground. 'Looks like you've already found your place a bit,' she says with a big smile on her face. Ezrah, we're here so you can go with Oscar and explain what happened. 'Then I'll stay with Lucy in the meantime.' Ezrah gets up and walks out of the trailer with a restrained smile.

'I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Kathy and I'm a tracker here at the camp. How are your wounds now?'

'Thankfully pretty well. Ezrah said it would only be a few days until the wounds are fully healed.'

'Aah that's nice. We'll be coming in to the village soon. They don't know yet that we brought you, so Ezrah and Oscar are explaining that now. I do have to tell you that no one unknown has been here for a very long time, so they do all look at you. But you shouldn't worry about this. It will pass after a while, but I thought I'd mention it. Before you get scared to death. '

'Okay, thanks for the warning.'

The driver of the trailer nods to Kathy. I've never seen the driver except for a few blonde curls floating along the wall. Kathy puts my handcuffs back on me and she leads me outside.

The light shines brightly in my eyes. But slowly I can make out the shapes. We are standing on a paved street where horses with carriages run across it. It smells like freshly baked bread and across the street is a small clothing store. Wow. The buildings look beautiful and as we continue to walk the buildings become two stories tall. I stare my eyes out. Kathy said there would be people staring, but I haven't seen anyone stare at all. We stop at a large church with a bell tower. 'This is where our leader madam Suze Bakkel lives. Your future is in her hands, so don't contradict her and only speak when she gives you the word. ' I gulp. Maybe this isn't much better than the Capitol.

The heavy door is opened and we walk in. It is all made of white marble tiles. There are no other decorations whatsoever and we walk on until we reach the end of the building. The silhouette turns around in her chair. It is an old woman with white wavy hair and wrinkles decorating her face. She looks at me for a long time with her icy blue eyes.

"What is your name?

'Lucy, madam.'

'How many days have you traveled here?'

'I don't know ma'am, I was unconscious the first time.'

She nods approvingly. 'I have heard your story and I have decided to give you a chance to participate in our society. But the moment we find you spying on us or cheating on us, we will be forced to initiate the death penalty.' 

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