"Failed Promise"

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The theme of this poem is pain and hope for a better future.
It makes reference or it's in allusion to the #EndSars protest in Nigeria, Africa. It also makes reference to the Toll gate Massacre on October 20th,2021 with justice still unserved. I hope the Nigerian government is carrying out investigation to ensure the perpetrators of this gruesome crime are caught.
Hope you enjoy it

Walking down the lonely road,
Eerie silence enveloping the streets,
No figure walking with me down this road,
All doors and windows shut with fear.

Looking round the streets,
I hide in the corners,
I see writhing bodies on this once lively road,
Bodies battered and scattered beyond recognition.

What happened on this once lively road?,
"A protest I heard went on",
A protest for what?,
"The masses complain of intimidation, prisoners broke from their cells,
A failed promise of change".

In the former days,
This road filled with life,
Hustling and bustling on this once lively road,
But now no where to hide.

Everyone spewed into a new dawn happy,
Hoping and joyous for a better life,
Their hopes crushed,
Their expectations scrunched.

The Willy government doing nothing,
Merely sitting and watching as the masses revolt,
Sitting and watching as this once lively road is filled with bodies,
Bodies of the people it promised to protect.

The revolt continues,
The survived praying for an end,
Praying severely day and night,
Hoping for a better government,
Praying for a hero to fulfill the failed promise of change.

By IamRegal

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