40's Bucky Drabble

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Goose flesh pebbled your skin as you sat on the roof top staring at the stars. You were starting to regret coming up this late without your housecoat, but you'd been to eager to get some fresh air.

You wrapped your arms tightly around your chest and bent your neck back, eyes shining with stardust as you gazed upon the infinite expanse of the twinkling sky.

You'd always loved stargazing. Every since you were little, you'd find yourself looking up in wonder, curious about that unknown place above the clouds.

"I knew I'd find you up here when ya didn't answer at your window."

You spun at the familiar voice, heart thudding from surprise. You hadn't expected him to come when you had all but stood him up at the dance hall earlier in the evening.

You'd told him you'd think about it, hadn't given him a concrete answer. You never knew what sort of mood your father would be in, so making plans with your friends was never easy. Tonight had been one of the bad nights, ending with you escaping to the roof top.

When you didn't respond, only stared blankly at him, Bucky Barnes frowned slightly stepping towards you.

"I was really wanted to see ya tonight Doll, I was hoping for a dance."

You scoffed feeling heat fill your chilled cheeks, "I'm sure you had your pick of the hen house James Barnes. There's lots of girls who'd kill for a turn around the room with you."

"I didn't want to dance with just any of those dames," James responded crowding you against the railing you had been leaning on, "I wanted to dance with my girl."

Your heart skipped a beat as his body heat brushed against you. His blue eyes were searching yours for something you couldn't quite place, and when his words finally registered over the thumping of your pulse you felt a flash of anger.

"Your girl?!" You snapped causing Bucky to flinch, "That's mighty presumptuous of you James considering we haven't once been out together. Nor have you ever expressed the desire to single me out from your parade of women before this evening."

You watched as the muscle worked in Bucky's jaw, his nostrils flaring with irritation.

"Well it wasn't for lack of trying!" Bucky shouted back and you reared back from him. Bucky seemed to immediately regret his outburst stepping away, his hands running irritably through his hair. You watched in confusion as he paced the length of the rooftop deck.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." He muttered and you waved off his apology.

"It's alright."

"No, it's not." Bucky stated firmly and stilled, his eyes latched onto yours and you begged your wild heart to settle.

"It's not ok because I know—I know how your Pop is, and I know he keeps ya from having the chance to have a life outside that damned apartment."

You looked away from Bucky ashamed and he was back at your side in two long strides. His hands gently gripped your shoulders and he smiled softly at you.

"You've had me hook, line and sinker ever since I met ya Doll, and I know I may not have acted like it but—even in those brief moments we've had haggling over prices in your Pop's store—or even sitting behind you in classes when we were back in school. They're all I think about when I'm not with you. None of those other dames hold a candle to you."

You trembled slightly as you listened to his words, your eyes shining with unshed tears.

"I just never knew if I'd ever get the chance to tell ya." He sighed leaning his forehead against yours. You placed your hands against his chest, feeling his body tense slightly. You pulled back searching his expression, his eyes seemed heavy with something for a moment before they cleared when you traced your fingertips across his freshly shaven jaw. You would ask him about whatever was bothering him later, but right now you smiled timidly up at him.

"I never thought you saw me as more than a friend." You whispered.

"Oh no Doll, you're not just a friend. You're everything—you're my whole damn universe!" He shouted throwing a hand out and waving at the stars.

You placed your hand over his mouth hushing him frantically as you both both fought of fits of laughter. When you both sobered, your palm was still placed over his lips. You could feel his breath caress your skin and you bit your lip to hold back a sigh when you felt him press a gentle kiss against your flesh.

As you dropped your hand and replaced it with your lips against your his, you sent a silent prayer to the stars above you to keep him with you always.

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