Chapter 3 - The Cadet Corps

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We all stood there in multiple lines with our hands at behind our backs, Jason was in the 2nd row, Dick and Damian were in the 3rd while I was at the back in the 5th row. That boy from before was here, wit his sister and that blonde guy from before, he had a look of determination on his face. There a bunch of people who I had not seen before, meaning there must be more settlements outside of where we were. There is this really tall guy with black hair, he's got to be about 6'1 probably more, most of the people I saw looked about as to be expected, accept this one guy, Reiner I believe he name was, there was something with him, his hair from strange reason looked identical to the Armoured Titan, it's definitely a coincidence but a strange one at that, I won't be going and rubbing my nose where it doesn't belong.

Before I could really look around more I noticed that kids sister looking at me, I looked at her back and she looked away quickly, probably nothing she was most probably looking around same as me and just so happened to be blessed enough to look at me.

"ALL RIGHT CADETS, EYES FORWARD!" Came a voice from I'm front pulling me out of my thoughts,
"MY NAME IS KEITH SHADIS, BUT YOU WILL ADRESS ME AS SIR! THAT CLEAR MAGGOTS? YOU WILL GROW TO HATE ME AS I TRAIN YOU OVER THESE NEXT FEW YEARS!" He continued to say, he proceeded to walk around the recruits eyeing them down and bullying them for the unforgivable sin of existing. The first person he came across was a person by the name of Jean Kirstein, "Why are you hear?" He asked looking Jean dead in the eyes
Jean looked at him "I want to join the military police and live in the interior." Jean said with a smile, Keith head butted him making him fall to the ground. Everyone around me looked around and shook their head or held their head in their hand in disbelief of what this fool just said. Keith kept walking around until he walked up to another person, "what is your name?" He said as he looked down at this kid, "Connie Springer!" He said making a salute, "Is your heart on the right side, Connie Spinger?" He asked picking him up by the head and holding him there. Everyone heard a chomp, then another one, then again. Keith looked around to see a girl with brown hair eating a potato, "Why would you eat that potato?" He asked with a death grin look on his face, she gulped it down and said ".Sir it looked lonely on that table and I thought I could give it a new home in my stomach!"
"But why? Why would you eat that potato?" He asked giving her a look that if she answered it would solve the worlds problems.
"Are you asking why people eat potatoes? I'm surprised you don't know sir." She said then continued with a "Here sir." She broke off a piece of that potato and gave it to him. "You can have half sir." He looked at her and she gave him a goofy smile.

I continued to look around until I noticed this girl, looking at me, she was blonde with ice blue eyes, she was pretty. I looked at her back and winked at her, she instantly blushed and looked away.

"CADETS, WE WILL CONTINUE YOUR TRAINING TOMORROW, YOU ARE DISMISSED!" Keith shouted and then proceeded to walk away. Everyone looked at each other and then decided to walk away too, some to friends and others to their dorms. I walked over to Jason Dick and Damian.
"We'll he was nice." Jason said with a smirk.
"Very, I'm sure his a big old softy under all that wrinkly skin." Dick said lifting up his hand in an explaining manner.
"I like the jackets, very biker fetish, Jason you must be pleased." I said looking at Jason with a smirk.
"TT, these Jackets are stupid, they only slow us down." Damian said crossing his arms and looking away.
"Ehh, I think we should walk somewhere else." I said implying Potato girl running around and the rest of everyone walking away from the field we were in. We walked back to our dorms, there were bunk beds all lined up, I got the top bunk while Jason had my bottom bunk, Dick was on the top bunk adjacent to my bed and Damian had the bottom bunk, we all had a chest were we kept our clothes, we didn't have many other than the ones we stole, we kept our uniforms in a hurried box by the forest near the site, it was to risky having them in our chest in case anyone ever decided that we would become communists and what's mine is yours and dig through our chests. "These are some strange people, I mean, we're ones to talk but still." Jason said laying on his left shoulder to look at the bunk Dick and Damian were on.
"So Y/N, Mikasa, am I right." Dick said to me winking.
"Wait what? I saw him giving Annie butterflies." Jason added in in surprises
"How do you even know their names?" I asked worried.
"I have my recourses" they both said together, this talk of Mikasa caught Erens attention and started to walk over to us.
"Y/N, Mikasa and Annie sitting in a tree- K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Jason said with his hands together by his face making a kissing-expression.
"Jason, grow up, how old are you, 5?" I asked
"Hehe... 5 inches deep in your mom." Jason said under his breath.
"Hey guys, I heard you were talking about Mikasa, what are you guys talking about?" Eren asked leaning his left hand against the frame of my bed.
"We were talking about how your sister is making googly eyes at L/N" Damian said laying on his bed.
"Do you think Mikasa likes Y/N?" Armin asked from behind Eren
"Annie was looking at him too." Jason added in.
"Okay guys, let's maybe talk about this when I'm not in the room." I said laying down and placing my hands on my face.
"What can I say, no one will touch you with those two into you." Jason said shrugging his arms.
"Okay that's it." I said getting up and jumping off my bed.
"I'm going for a walk, I'll be back when your done." I said walking out of the dorm.

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