Chapter 10- The Land Beyond

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I looked up as the bells on the wall started to ring, signalling that the walls were about to open...
"It's the scouts!" I heard a young boy call out. I looked over at him and the expression on his face said it all, he looked at me like I was a hero.
"SCOUTS!! FORWARD!!!" Commander Erwin yelled, and like clock work everyone followed. Luckily I was in the left side flank, short of the spotters with section Commander Hangi, Moblit, Nifa, etc. As we left the wall everything seemed so bright, no longer being shielded from the suns rays by the wall. Nifa looked over at me and said "Hehe, I remember my first time leaving the walls and the sun hitting my eyes for the first time... stay close to me Y/N." Nifa said looking back at me.
"Mmmhm." I said looking back at her.
We all looked over to the left at a black flare.
"An abnormal." I thought to myself.
Another black flare went up south west of us.
"Another Abnormal... listen up! We stay close and be on the look out for any titans, keep a diamond formation." Hangi explained, taking the head of the diamond, Moblet and myself took the right and left side of the shape, with Nifa taking the rear.
"On the left side section commander!" Moblit yelled, as a normal titan approached from the west.
"Permission to kill section commander?" Nifa asked reading her odm gear.
"There's no way to capture it so unfortunately yes, you may kill it, Moblit and Nifa." Hangi said keeping her formation.
"Y/N, stay in formation." Hangi continued and looked over at me. Moblit shot off his horse and hooked onto the titan, then going for a hook drive under its legs and cutting its knee. Nifa followed suit, but performing another hook drive this time on its nape
"Damn, that's some team work..." I said to myself.
"We'll train you to do that,  in time Y/N." Hangi said back to me as Nifa and Mobley returned to their horses.
"Good Job Nifa, Moblit. Y/N was impressed with how you two operate." Hangi said congratulating them
"Thank you, section commander!" Moblit said getting back into formation
Suddenly a purple flare was shot up int9 the air around 24+ north.
"That's Commander Erwin's location. Moblit come with me, Nifa, look after Y/N, we won't be long." Hangi said as her and Moblit raced off towards the flare, leaving Nifa and I.
"What do we do now? There's only the two of us, should we join another squad?" I asked
"No, we have to hold our position, if that falls, everything fails." Nifa explained to me, she looked over at me noticing my uneasy look
"Y/N, it'll be alright." She continued giving me a reassuring look.
"I can take most things, hell I dress up as a bird and fight crime, but Titans out in the open when they have the advantage? It's like a chimp with a machine gun." I thought to myself.
I looked at her and nodded before her and I took off.

We rode for another hour before my mind started to drift. "I wonder how Annie's doing, and how the MP's are treating her? I'm sure she misses me a lo" I thought to myself before being cut off.
"AUG-AUGHHHH" Nifa and I heard a blood curdling scream to our right but couldn't see anything.
"What the hell was that?!" I asked
"I don't know..." Nifa answered losing her cool for the first time.
"It came from our right, I'm going to look." I said breaking formation and starting a dash to my right.
"Y/N, No!" Nifa shouted at me, I ignored her and kept riding, as long as I could save one life, that's all that mattered to me.
I rode for another 30 seconds or so before Nifa caught up to me, "you better have an explanation for Hangi if she comes back and we're not there." Nifa said slightly annoyed.
We rode for another 40 seconds before coming across 4 titans and more screaming. I engaged my ODMgear as well as Nifa, Nifa took out 2 while I took out the other 2, They dropped 2 people but Nifa and I couldn't see who they were at first.
"Oh my god." Nifa said covering her mouth in disbelief.
I landed and looked down at who they were. It was Petra and Gunther. Gunther lay there without and arm and both his legs, dead. Petra was still alive although barely, she was bleeding from her head and unconscious.
"How could this happen? Gunther ?" Nifa still asked if disbelief.
Time stood still, we could have stood there for minute or seconds.
"We need to help her." I said getting down on my knees.
"How?" Nifa asked
"We need to stop the bleeding." I bent down and took Petra's jacket off to use as a gauze, it wasn't much but it was the best I could do.
"Y/N, WATCH OUT!" Niga screamed as a tree came flying at us. I had no time to react before it hit me.
"AGGHH fuck!" I yelled as the tree hit me and all four horses.
I lay there for a second great full that I was alive but also noticed and intense pain in my tight arm.
Nifa ran over to me, before stopping and looking at my arm horrified.
She rushed down to help me.
"Shit, I don't think an arm is supposed to bend this way." I said looking at it.
"In need to snap it in place." I said before placing the inside of my elbow to knee and snapping ht back in place.
The scream I let out probably attracted every titan on the island.
"We need to get back to the wal-" I said before freezing.
"What is it Y/N?" Nifa asked before noticing the shadow covering us.
She looked back quickly to see a 15 meter titan with long blonde hair and purple pigmentation on her skin looking back down at us, it didn't blink nor did it do anything, it just stared at us.
Nifa and I looked back at it, obviously we knew we we're screwed, I couldn't fight and there was no way Nifa was risking herself, she had to stay in fighting condition for Petra and myself. It bent down looking at me alone, it has a slightly remorseful look on its face, before getting back up and running off.
"Ehh... what the hell was that?" I asked trying to get up with my only arm.
"Where Y/N." Nifa said taking her jacket off and giving to me to use as a cast, I took both sleeves and tied them together on my shoulder, and using the inside as the cast itself.
"Thank you." I said as she offered a hand to help me up, I took it and look around and noticed the dead horses.
"What do we do now?" I asked
"We wait, you can't fight and nether can Petra, let's hope someone comes across us before any titans do." Nifa said I walked over to Petra to see if she was okay, luckily she wasn't hit by the log and was alright.
"The bleeding's stopped." I said taking the jacket off her head.
"Mmmmmm" Petra made a sound as I took it off.
"Petra?" Nifa asked rushing over to her, grabbing one of her hands and holding it with both of hers.
Petra opened her eyes slowly.
"Nifa?" Petra asked
"I'm here, it's going to be okay." She said reassuring her
"Where am I?" She asked.
"We're outside the walls, you got hit in the head some how, but your safe."
"Petra.. where's Eld and Ouro?"
"They... weren't with us... they moved the ... positioning... Eren is with the Captain." She struggled to say.
"Then they should be alive" Nifa said with a sigh of relief.
"Try to rest, we're going home soon." Nifa said to Petra but then also looked at me.
"You need to rest Y/N, I'll watch out."
"Yeah okay, sure." I said sitting back down and trying to rest

 A Future Worth Fighting For. || Mikasa X Male Reader X AnnieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora