Awsten 📼

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Awsten 📼

Awsten 📼
Hey rem!!

Remi 🐀
Hi Aws

Awsten 📼
'Aws' 😏

Remi 🐀
Oh shut up
You called me a nickname
So I gotta give you one

Awsten 📼
Anyways, are we still hanging out today?

Remi 🐀

Awsten 📼
Ok! I'll pick you up
What is your address

Remi 🐀

Awsten 📼
Ok I'll be there in 30!

Remi's POV

I put on a faded nirvana shirt, with a black skirt, a belt, a black jean jacket, a shit ton of chains, and fishnets. I put on my Doc Martens, and I headed downstairs. I grabbed my phone, and sat down on the couch. Fun fact: Casper and I live together. Since they were still asleep I texted them that I was going to be out. I heard a knock on the door. I got up, and opened the door. There I saw him. The guy with purple hair, one eye blue and the other one green. He was wearing a black t-shirt, and black pants. He wore his usual rings and necklaces.

"Hi," I said, a little awkwardly.

"Hey," he said. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yea, I am!" I said. I left my house, closing the door behind me. We got into what I'm hoping is Awsten's car. He started the car, and drove off.

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