Awsten 🍊

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Awsten 🍊

Awsten 🍊
Hiii baby

Remi 🧃

Awsten 🍊
What's wrong :((

Remi 🧃
Nothing. I'm fine

Awsten 🍊
Baby, we've been together for a year, you can trust me

Remi 🧃
I wanna break up

Awsten 🍊

Remi 🧃
Because life has been terrible again recently
and not because of you I promise
I just can't be in a relationship anymore
It's to much for me

Awsten 🍊
I can help
I promise I can
Babe...don't leave me
I love you

Remi 🧃
I love you too Awsten, but I can't do it
It hurts me to do this but we have too

Awsten 🍊
If it hurts to much than don't do it
Please baby
Don't leave me

Seen at 2:01 am

Awsten 🍊
Baby don't ignore me

Seen at 2:20 am

Awsten 🍊
Leave me
Just know that I love you, and I always will

Seen at 3:00 am

Remi's pov
While I read Awsten's last text, I felt the salty tears run down my face. I loved him. I really did, but I couldn't do it anymore. Life had been so shitty recently, and I didn't want to be in a relationship. I hated myself so much. I hadn't seen Awsten in 2 weeks, mostly because I've been so distant. I didn't mean to be. It just happened. I knew that Awsten could probably make everything better, because he could. Whenever I saw him, my day would instantly be perfect, but now it was gone. I laid down in bed, and eventually cried myself to sleep.

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