Chapter 1

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An ancient tree stood next to a small pond as the air grew colder and the wind became harsh, in each direction there was clouds closing in on them. Like predators creeping on their prey, getting ready to pounce and kill. Beside this ancient tree sat an elven girl with rosy pink hair, her natural hair colour being the origin of her name, a staff lay on her lap as she stared at the leaves on the lowest branch.

"Rose...there is no one left"
The familiar voice brought the girl out of her thoughts as she tilted her head back to look up into the sapphire eyes of her huge scaly friend. She knew that it was time to leave, they had spent weeks avoiding the clouds while trying to locate any survivors.
"Aithuso, why is it that she died?" Didn't bother to hide the sadness in her heart, her dear friend would easily see through any mask she put on.
There was a soft rumble as the dragon sighed and peered down at the elf girl
"Sometimes evil wins and the light is completely consumed by the darkness. The goddess tried to fight it but she was still weak from-"
The dragon stopped himself noting the guilt on his young friend.
"None the less it is not your fault, now we must flee while we have a chance"
He lowered his huge head to the ground to stare into her eyes, urging her to find the strength to leave this once lively and vibrant world they called home. With a sigh and watery eyes, Rose stood and grasped the staff in her left hand.
"I'm, ready..."
She knew that she had to clam her mind, as her teacher once taught her, in order to release the magic stored inside her body and the staff. She raised her right hand as a warm white glow encased it, quickly she began to right runes in the air with the light. The runes shone in the air as she focused her energy into the spell. This spell was the last gift from the goddess to Rose. As the last rune was written, Rose's silver eyes flicker to a rich golden colour as the magic flowed through her body.

A familiar warm sensation courses through her veins as she directs her magic into her hand, the staff began to splinter from the sheer amount of magic this spell required. The runes shifted in the air and formed a circle, then they began to rotate slowly. The circle expanded to twice her height but was still too small for Aithuso. The dragon noticed that this was probably the largest the portal will become and took it upon himself to make this easier on Rose, he chose the smallest specie of dragon he could think of. Quickly he morphed his body into a type of stead dragon, dragons that had no wings or ability to fly but were fast runners and quite agile.

After entering the portal Rose can remember a warm and inviting feeling, as if their destination was welcoming them. It happened quite fast and the last thing she remembers is a bright light before darkness. Now as she began to realize that she had blacked out, she opened her eyes slowly to find branches full of blooming flowers directly above her. The soft pink and white petals drifted slowly to the ground, one landing on her cheek. She raised a hand to her face and plucked it off her cheek carefully, it felt soft between. her fingertips. The sunlight felt warm on her creamy pale skin. Soft clouds floated by in the bright blue sky as birds sang and sounds she had never heard before filled her ears. Tears flowed down her cheek as a small smile graced her lips, for the first time in weeks she smiled. They made it to the new world.

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