Chapter 5

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Rose could see that Asher lost himself in thought, Jarac however smiled a carefree smile. The boy cheered her up with that smile and she looks up at Aithuso.

"Are you able to change into a pet type?" she questioned the dragon.

He seemed to think it over before giving her answer.

"I believe I can"

She stood up and guided Jarac a few steps back as the dragon closed his eyes. His body flashed a bright white and blinded all three of them for a moment. Rose rubbed her eyes and looked down to find that Aithuso's form had changed at all, he had only shrunk to the height of a cat, an extremely long cat. She couldn't contain her giggles, this had happened before and it was still funny.

"....Not this again....."

He hated it the first time now he hates it even more.

Asher blinked at the tiny dragon and cracked a smile.

"Well that solves that problem, but your deep voice doesn't suit that tiny body" he laughed as the dragon snorts.

Jarac stepped up to Aithuso and crouched down to start petting the dragon's head.

"At least now you won't scare anyone" Jarac tried to cheer the depressed dragon.

"Do not worry Jarac, he is just sulking" Rose smiles down at the boy before holding out her arm to the dragon.

Aithuso leapt up into the air and floated onto her arm and slivered around her shoulders like a scarf. His body loosely wrapped around her neck three times, his head rested on her right shoulder while his tail dangled down her left shoulder.

"So what happened exactly?"

Asher couldn't see why the dragon was so upset.

"W-well" Rose hesitated and cast her eyes to the ground.

Asher was starting to get annoyed with the sudden shyness when he spoke to her. He sighs at her.

"Explain later. we need to get moving if we don't want to get caught in the storm" He cast a worried glance to the sky before getting up and searching for his bow.

"Brother, how do we get back from here? I've forgotten the way.."

Asher expected this to happen, luckily his elephant feet come in handy for leaving tracks.

"Who do you think I am kiddo?"

Jarac grabbed Rose's hand in both his hands and tried to pull her along but remained where she was.

"What's wrong?" the boy confused by her refusal to move.

"I'm sorry. But I have to ask. Will your people be as open minded as the two of you?" fear took place in her eyes as her gaze moved from the Jarac to Asher for an answer.

The young man stopped at his bow, he thought about it before picking up his weapon and slinging it over his shoulder. He sighs as he turns around and walks back towards her. She couldn't read his expression as he took the cloak from her hand. She was a bit scared of this sudden change in attitude in him. Asher wrapped the cloak around her shoulders and clasped the broach to hold it in place. He also pulled the hood over her face.

"I'm sorry. But our race gets very scared of things we don't understand. Instead of calmly looking at the situation they'd rather cage up a potential threat and torture it"

"Why were you not afraid?" he barely heard the whisper but chuckles at her.

Before he was annoyed with her shyness but he couldn't really stay annoyed very long.

"Well you can thank our mother for that. She raised us well but I mistook you for a normal woman at first so I suppose my guard was lowered. Not to mention after the little guy appeared nothing could have shocked me"

he took a few steps back and turned back to the way they came bumbling through.

"Jarac, you hold Rose's hand and stick close to me. The wolves will be running around right now" His serious tone took Jarac by surprise.

"Alright brother, count on me!"

Jarac took Rose's hand again and this time she followed when he pulled. Asher took the lead as he guided them into the forest.

Rose glances back at the blooming tree, the gentle breeze carrying the petals for a way before they touch the grass. She turns her head to the looming forest and follows the young boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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