[chapter four: interrupted]

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The bright light of the moon and stars was the only light they needed. The gentle breeze flowing through their hair. The calming scent of grass really was a great way to bring her spirits up.

Druig looked straight ahead, Astraea at her hands. A nagging little voice begged both of them to unleash their inner secret.

"I have to tell you something!" She spoke out suddenly, a little too loudly. His eyes widened at her sudden outburst, he listened nonetheless.

A fiery blush crept on her cheeks. "U-Um don't laugh okay? I um, I think I might be in love with you... I know you probably don't feel the same but I just couldn't keep it to myself anymore!" She rambled, her blush only getting redder.

Druig was stunned, dumbfounded. He could not believe the girl he undoubtedly fell for loves him back.

Astraea on the other hand took his silence badly. She began to panic, she didn't want to hear his rejection.

As if the gods heard her plea, Makkari sped into their meadow. "There you are! Ajak wants to see you." She signed.

"Oh alright." Astraea signed back. Makkari hauled her into a piggy-back and sped her back to the domo, leaving Druig to fend in his thoughts.


575 BC Babylon

Babylon, the newest residence of the Eternals.

"Thena! Over here!" Astraea said, readying her bow. Thena grabbed the Deviant by the legs and threw it towards Astraea who shot him in the air. It exploded with a gush of purple and green goo.

"Oh come on, stop gushing us with guck!" Kingo said, wiping the guck off of his armor. Everyone laughed and headed towards the Domo.

"Have fun, aye?" Druig said, taking a bite of a piece of bread.

"If you count getting purple goo dumped on yourself then yes, it was very fun." Astraea said, snatching the piece of bread. Druig laughed, letting her get the piece of bread he was enjoying.

It had been a couple thousand years since Astraea suddenly expressed her feeling for Druig. After Makkari ran her off from the meadow, Druig had not said anything about that since. On one hand, Astraea was relieved the topic wasn't brought up again but she still felt disappointed.

"Phastos, did you attend the party last night like I asked you?" Ajak said, coming from speaking with Arishem.

Astraea would be a liar if she said she wasn't suspicious of Arishem's mission for them but nevertheless followed Ajak's every order.

"Hm? The party? Pfft yeah, yes." Phastos said, not looking up from his invention.

"Not true!" Druig said.

"He was working all night!" Astraea continued.

Phastos, not impressed and highly annoyed, looked up from his invention. "No one asked you." He said.

Astraea and Druig laughed, which earned a glare from Phastos.

"Come on guys, get a life." Ajak said with a light chuckle, walking towards Phastos and his workspace. "And where is Sersi?"

"Late as usual." Astraea said, propping her legs on top of Druig's.

Phastos rolled his eyes, "Anyways, I have something very exciting to show you." He pulled up the image of his latest invention. "Wait till you see this."

Ajak analyzes the invention, visible confusion laced her face. "What is it?"

"It's an engine. It moves steam from high pressure to low pressure." He said. Noticing Ajak's unchanged confused face, he continued. "Uh, it'll help them till their fields at an incredibly fast rate."

"That's going to scare them." Sprite, who went to sit next to Astraea, said.

"They've only had the wheel for.. 1000 years?" Astraea said, throwing her arm around Sprite and turning to Druig for confirmation. He nodded.

"You know, we could do that thing where you use your mind to control them and then they could do it quicker." Phastos said, annoyed at Druig.

"Are you hearing this Ajak?" Druig said.

"This steam.... engine is too soon. Couldn't you make something more.. simpler?" She said with a hopeful smile.

Phastos groaned. "Simple? Okay I can do simple." He began to rearrange his motor invention to a plow.

"There, a plow! To, you know plow!" He said.

The rest giggled as Sersi walked into the room. "I'm sure the humans will appreciate your gift Phastos."


400 AD Gupta Empire

As the Eternals kept moving, more and more appeared. They spent their time fighting and getting closer as a family. Some, though, were closer. Sersi and Ikaris for one, their chemistry did not go unnoticed by anyone. In fact their wedding was a couple days away.

"Stop fretting Sers, the dress will be fine." Astraea said, calming down a nervous Sersi.

"But what if it's not done in time for the wedding! Will I have to get married in my armor!?" She cried.

"I'll go check on it! I'm sure the seamstresses are already done with it!" Astraea said. Sersi reluctantly let her go.

Astraea grabbed her silver shawl that matched the light blue dress she wore and headed out to the village.

"Well, where is the lovely lady headed to?" Druig, who wore a black and red tunic said.

"Just down to the village. I'm checking on Sersi's wedding dress down by the local seamstresses." She said, "Join me?"

Druig smiled, holding out his arm for her to hold on. Astraea lightly blushed as they headed down to the village.

"Oh it's lovely! Sersi will love it, don't you think Druig?" She said, looking up from the piece of clothing to Druig, who wasn't paying attention to the dress but to Astraea.

"Hm? Oh yes, it's pretty. She'll love it." He said, gently touching the green fabric of the dress.

Astraea handed some gold coins to the seamstress and headed back. 

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