The doctors orders

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Finally after an hour or so of flying he made it back to willows peak. Now was the hard part getting her inside. Whoever this girl was she was defiantly not going to pass as an angel. He must find a way to sneak her past the guards. He started to fly hoping with all his heart no one noticed him. He continued to worry until finally one of the guards stopped him and said "sir Derek I'm sorry to interrupt your day but we need to do a scan of the girl because as you know no mortals are allowed here." Derek froze where he was and allowed himself to think for a moment. If it looked like he didn't know then maybe they would spare this child.
"Ok sure," he said hoping they didn't hear the panic in his voice. Unable to not control himself he felt himself ask "can i be there with her while you do the check?"
"Sure thing Derek" said the guard and walked to the door to the lab....
Derek started to walk carrying this child to her very certain doom....

WingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora