That poor maid

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(Lilys pov)

Where is he he should have been home days ago...? Thinking about what he was doing the last time she saw Derek was kinda hard. She loved him and sure he didn't seem to feel the same towards her but its alright, she thought, he'll come around... Right?
She wasn't really sure spirits say that he was her soul mate but from the way he's been acting towards her lately he seems more of an annoying baby brother then a mate. In all the story's she had read mates were supposed to be strong and independent but fragile and weak in need of a lover.
She wanted him to be her angel in shinning armor but he didn't seem to want to be.
"Lily I'm sorry to bother you there's news of Derek's whereabouts"
Jumping from her thoughts she gave the maid a questioning look.
The maid waited for her orders to speak for the queen somedays would yell at her if she was out of line today being one of those days.
"Out with it already!!!!" lily practically screamed at her
Taking a breath the maid replied, "he was seen entering willows peak a few days ago by a young one.... he went to the lab with a girl..."
Lily froze cold in her tracks another girl there no other girls who didn't have a mate in willows peak right could have been a friend? She couldn't stop the jealousy from flaring up inside her. She exploded "ANOTHER GIRL WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS BRINGING ANOTHER GIRL WITH HIM AND TO THINK I ACTUALLY CARED FOR THIS ONE!!!!!!!!"
The poor maid wasn't allowed to leave unless dismissed by her mistress who at the moment was having a melt down "m-my queen....." The maid tried
"he is..." She had to choose her words wisely or risk being killed "he's still with the doctors at the lab they want to... Know what you want them to do with him... they have already taken his wings away."
The queens face calmed for a slight moment and her reform came back. Smiling at the maid she said "kill him..."

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