Facing the devil you know

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Jimin froze in place, this couldn't be happening he thought.
He'd smelt an arousing aroma like hot chocolate and marshmallows permeate through the room, he'd had to turn to the smell it was so amazing and turned him on no end .
In the back of his brain he realised his medicine had kept the smell at bay, he might have got a faint whiff now and then but nothing this strong. Seeing his boss standing there eyes ablaze with lust he realised what it was and looked for an escape route but was cornered as the other male rushed over caging him in a corner.
Jungkook couldn't believe it, all this time his mate was here, he was so happy, he started sniffing his mate taking in the sweet smell of the one who was his.
Jimin willed himself to put up barriers, gaining some self control back.
"Excuse me sir I need to go back to work," he tried pushing past the other male.
"No, you don't need to work hard , I will provide for you as you are my mate, let me drive you home so you can rest, you can move in with me, I can pick you up later," jungkook said running a hand down the side of Jimins face.
"It's ok I'm the boss and your mate so nobody will contradict me."
"I said no...., no I don't want a mate, no I won't go home and no I won't move in with you." Jimin said in an angry voice, finally pushing past the male who stood astonished at his words.
Going back to his desk he kept his head down not sure if anyone had heard the exchange but determined to try and stay invisible.
Jungkook was shocked, this isn't how it worked, once you found your mate it was a mutual attraction, he knew he hadn't mistaken the lust in Jimins eyes, what was going on?
He managed to adjust his suddenly tight trousers before grabbing a coffee and walking back to his office, but instead of working he stood staring out of his office at the small male sat in the corner trying to keep his head down.
A knock brought Namjoon into his office," hey Kook I've got in touch with the........." his voice trailed off when he saw his friends face." What is it?"
"He's my mate......"
"What,wow great news I'm really pleased for you."
"He told me no,"
"I saw it in his eyes how attracted he was, I told him I'd take care of him and look after him. And he said no to it all!"
Namjoon frowned," did you ask why? He has after all been covering his smell......, maybe he's scared, but if he is attracted to you he won't be able to hold you off, the only time one can refuse is if they are not really your chosen mate and I don't think that's true, so maybe  you just might have to ask him why."
"I didn't realise the pull would be so strong, I just wanted him under me there and then,"
"It's the greatest feeling, once you mark each other things calm a bit still intense but you don't worry about others trying to claim them. "
"Shit, I can't let someone else have him!"
"Well find some way to get your guy, male omegas are a rare find, they can still carry your pups "
Jungkook thought of the smaller belly swollen with his pups, it brought a large smile to his face.
"Just wait Jimin you will be screaming with want soon, and I will make you mine.,"
He determinedly got back to work so that he could catch Jimin before he left. Unfortunately he was caught up in a phone call when Jimen left but that wasn't going to stop him.
He'd looked up Jimins address, he saw it wouldn't take long by car so he left speeding his way there.
Arriving he saw a small apartment block , Jimin was on the ground floor. He saw some disreputable looking people loitering there.
He got out of his car and knocked but there was no answer, looking at his watch he realised depending on how Jimin got home he may still be on his way home.
Sitting back in his car he checked his phone out while waiting for Jimin.
He suddenly heard a noise a group of people were pushing someone around until that person fell, jungkook felt his wolf rise up as he realised the person was Jimin.
Quickly getting out of his car he stalked his way over hearing something that made him angrier.
"Hey little omega, come with me I'll teach you how to please me," one said grabbing hold of jimin and trying to kiss him.
"Leave me alone!!" Jimin yelled trying to pull away and when he couldn't he stamped on the man's foot, earning a hard slap across the face.
"You little bitch I'll show you," the man grabbed Jimins shirt ripping it open.
"No, " Jimin shrieked in terror.
A loud angry growl was heard," GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MATE!!
Turning the group saw a red eyed angry Alpha , gulping the one who held onto Jimin yelled,"move," to the others throwing Jimin aside harshly his head hitting the concrete, as they all ran off.
Jungkook sprinted to Jimin who looked up in a daze,
"You.....," he mumbled.
"Jimin, your heads bleeding!"
"Why do you smell so nice, I could manage if you didn't smell so nice....," then he passed out.
Jungkook picked the small boy up easily, he ran to his car and drove to the hospital demanding to see a doctor. One of the doctors recognising the man who gave contributions to the hospital immediately got Jimin taken to a private room where he was examined.
Jungkook watched as the doctor checked him over his jealousy at another man touching what was his, hard to keep under control.
"Well, I think by the size of that bump he will have concussion, I'll send him for a scan just to be on the safe side,er, was he in a fight?" The doctor asked looking at his ripped shirt.
"He was attacked for being an omega and easy prey."
"Ah, poor thing a male omega especially so rare, shame he hasn't found his Alpha,"
"He has...,it's me," Jungkook growled.
The doctor immediately removed his hands from Jimins vicinity and stepped back.
"Oh er well he will go for a scan, if everything is ok he can go home but don't leave him alone he may feel a bit dazed and confused for a few days."

An hour later and Jungkook had Jimin back in his car. The scans were clear of any major damage but Jimin certainly was dazed and confused.
"You can't be left alone Jimin, I am taking you to my place."
"Your place.....ok,because your my Alpha."
"Jimin are you ok going to my place."
Jimin curled up in his seat feeling extremely tired, so he wasn't aware of when they arrived at Jungkooks or the fact that Jungkook carried him inside.
He did come to when Jungkook started stripping his torn shirt off.
"You can't touch me,,,,,,,,,I'm Kookies,"
"Yes, your Kookies,"
"Are you Kookie?"
"I'm Jungkook?"
"Kookies better but don't tell him, I don't want to be owned, why can't omegas have more say, I had to cover it up but I can't get the medicine anymore now they all know."
"Jimin your Alpha doesn't own you...., they want you to be theirs to cherish, they want you to be safe, they want to love you, it's not a bad thing....,"
"I ran away cos they tried to marry me off and he wasn't even my mate just an ugly old rich man, Kookie is so handsome but I can't let him have me he probably has his pick of anyone, me I've never been with anyone he'd get bored....,"
Jungkook listened to Jimins rambling all the while undressing him and putting a t shirt on him which hung down nearly to his knees.
"Jimin get into bed, I'll get you some food,"
"No, headaches feel sick...., "he got off the bed hand over his mouth,jungkook realising picked him up and took him to the bathroom where he proceeded to vomit down the toilet , Jungkook holding him until the spasm finished.
"Let's clean your teeth," Jungkook helped him then carried him to bed, Jimin seemed a little more coherent. He looked at Jungkook frowning," just because I'm here doesn't mean I'm yours."
"Jimin you will always be mine but I promise I won't push you into a relationship but I need to scent you so others will stay away, maybe if we spend more time together it will make it easier for you?"
Jimin sighed, he couldn't deny the pull he felt towards the other , but he wasn't ready to just be walked all over." Hmph, well better the devil you know I suppose......, but we go at my pace not yours, I'm not rushing into a relationship just because you say so," he spoilt his strong words by adding," can you stay with me, I'm scared."
Jungkook grinned at the others illogical behaviour ,
"Of course I will but I need to go shower ok?"
Jimin nodded curling up under the cover his eyes closing.
Jungkook showered all the while thinking of the small boy until it got to the state of him having to pleasure himself at the thought of the other male, coming with an intense orgasm he panted leaning against the shower wall before washing then drying himself, dressing just in sweat bottoms.
Going into the bedroom he saw Jimin sound asleep so he decided to make himself a quick snack which he ate with a glass of banamilk.
Going back to his room he cleaned his teeth then climbed into bed pulling the sleeping boy to him.
Jimin automatically turned cuddling into Jungkooks naked chest his legs wrapped around the other his pouty lips nearly kissing Jungkooks naked skin.
Jungkook inwardly groaned in a way it was torture to have the boy this close but it was also something he wouldn't change for any amount of money.

No time for the AlphaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin