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Jimin came back from his lunch satisfied he'd found somewhere to live he had told the man he would let him know by the end of the week.
Tae asked him if he'd had a nice lunch he told him about the room he was after.
"Oh I thought you and Jungkook.....,nope none of my business.
Going to his desk Jimin saw Jungkook wasn't there so he just got on with his work .
He picked up the dictaphone which was still running Jungkook obviously not realising it had been on.
Plugging in earphones he typed up the general gist of the meeting that the two were talking about.
He realised then the conversation veered of topic .
"Kookie, do you want to come back to mine after lunch."
"No thank you, I have a lot of work to get through."
"Just let your little messenger boy do it that's what you pay him for."
"His name is Jimin and he is my mate."
"You've got to be kidding me! Him, well that's bad if fate to give you someone like him."
"You don't know him."
"Do you?what's his favourite colour, or food, his family background? Come on Kookie he's nothing, you can't tell me you really want to be with him."
"Look I didn't expect it but he is my fated mate, so that's that,please don't talk about him."
"You do know you can decline a mate?"
"I said enough let's go to lunch."
Jimin listened to the conversation on the tape, at first he'd felt angry at the woman putting him down, then he realised Jungkook hadn't really said he wanted to be with him, he hadn't professed to being smitten with him just said it had happened, like, he had no choice in it.
Jimin had been so belligerent about someone declaring they were his mate that it hadn't really occurred to him that Jungkook may not be really happy about it happening, he had taken it for granted that Jungkook really did want him but now he realised he really wasn't such a great catch.
He felt slightly depressed with his thoughts.
The door swung open and Jungkook walked to his desk looking grim.
"Did you go to your meeting?" He asked the smaller male sharply.
"Huh? Oh yes."
"Go anywhere nice?"
"Just to a room."
Jungkooks eyes flared, Jimin had the nerve to tell him he'd hooked up with someone in a room.
"It's amazing how quickly people change," Jungkook sneered.
"Look at you from Mr innocent to a slut,"
Jimin felt a pain in his chest.
"Why are you saying this....?"
"Isn't it the truth? Look how eager you were to fuck without commitment ."
Jimins eyes watered at the unexpected attack. He was right Jungkook really didn't want him.
He sat down quietly in his chair pain overwhelming him from the hate in his mates voice.
He printed of the notes and quietly took them to Jungkooks desk.
"What's this!?"
"I transcribed the notes from the dictaphone, remember I told you I'd leave it there."
"Well at least your good for something ," Jungkook growled at him although he realised he was hurting himself being like this to Jimin but he was still angry at him for going out with that man.
He looked up at Jimin standing there, seeing hurt in his eyes, he almost got up to hug him.
The time went on and soon it was time to leave. Jimin tidied up and was about to leave when, " going home or trying your luck with someone else?" A voice sneered.
Jimin turned back, "miss Choi obviously convinced you I'm not good enough so I presume you will decline, maybe you should have my desk put back outside. He shakily walked out , Jungkook looking confused at him, why was he on about that woman, then he realised the dictaphone had probably picked up the whole conversation , Jimin was on about where an Alpha could decline him, did he really want that.
He picked the dictaphone up rewound it and played it out aloud, it was getting to the end of the conversation when Tae walked in about to say something until Jungkook did a wait a minute movement with his hand as the tape carried on playing.
At the end Tae spoke," well she's a piece of work and for someone who has a mate you didn't defend him very well , good job he didn't hear it!"
"He did," he came back from his date lunch and transcribed it!@
"What are you on about date lunch, Jimins not like that!"
"Oh yer? I saw him when I was leaving he was with a man then when I got back I asked if he'd been anywhere nice for lunch and he told me , only to a room, he stood there saying that to me his mate!!"
"You idiot !"
"What, I'm telling the truth!"
"So was Jimin, he went with an agent to look at a room to rent!"
Jungkook looked shocked, he remembered the awful words he'd said to the other, the tears in his eyes and on top of that he'd heard the tape, he must be feeling as if he had been lying about wanting to be his mate.
"Shit, I need to fix this...., but I don't know where he's staying!"
"Well it's probably a hotel and he'd keep it near so he's not paying for transport to work...."
"Your right, " he waved Tae away getting into his computer for local hotels, one by one he rang them, asking to be put through to Park Jimins room, the first four said they had no one of that name staying there, the fifth one said of course putting you through, the phone rang then the receptionist came back in telling him she was sorry but there was no answer.
Putting in his sexiest voice he told her how kind she was for trying and that he'd only rang his friend to ask his room number to send some files too that he wanted. Of course the girl immediately obliged by giving him Jimins room number, which he thanked her for and told her to have a nice evening .
He drove to the hotel which was situated around other hotels and bars.
Jungkook was about to go in the hotel when he saw a familiar figure weaving his way down the road.
Jimin looked up, seeing the one who had made him so sad, sad enough to down a few drinks on an empty stomach.
"You!" What you doing here, you shub be careful I might be con,con,contagiousssss!" He mumbled as he stumbled." Can a sluuuut be catching??"
"Jimin come with me your drunk"
"I'm not I'mmmmm puuurrfectly shober."
"Sure you are baby now come here,"
Jimin wandered over looking up at the other,"I already know ,you know I heard it all, I don't blame you I wouldn't want me iver, either , whatever,"he slurred as he leaned into Jungkooks body, his head in the others chest.
Jungkook sighed glancing at the hotel , he carefully walked Jimin in up to the desk," key for room 223 Park Jimin"
He then got them into the lift once at Jimins floor he picked the small boy up looking for his room.
"Weeeee! Jimin trilled," you are strong Kookie, but I can't have you now, I don't blame you, is it because I wanted sex with you isn't that normal I don't know I really don't know much about it but you said I'm a slut now, and you know more than me,why do things always go wrong Huh ?"
"I'm sorry Jimin I was wrong to say that, your not a slut and it's ok to have sex, but only with me, I'm your mate and that's the way it's staying!"
"Let's go to sleep Kookie I like you cuddling me and I can pretend you want me then tomorrow you can go to your girlfriend but stay with me tonight?"
Jimin was crying the alcohol relieving the pain from his chest.
"Jimin listen to me it's you just you, I was jealous I saw you with a man at lunch then you said you had gone to a room, I thought you meant with him, I didn't know it was to rent, that's why I said those hurtful words I was mad with jealousy."
"Silly boy, I couldn't be with anyone but you," he mumbled .
Jungkook let him stand up and he started to stumble taking his clothes off and walking to the bathroom as he dropped them on the floor. Jungkook hesitated before worry made him follow, his eyes saw a naked Jimin head tilted up to the spray before he opened his eyes seeing Jungkook, he smiled sexily and began to play with himself watching the other watch him.
Jungkook felt his pants tighten at the sight before him, Jimin beckoned him over," no Jimin your drunk."
"I'm tipsy now, I want you Kookie , I want you deep inside me."
Jimin was still touching himself, his wolf calling out for his mate, Jungkook stripped of rapidly and stepped into the shower grabbing hold of Jumun smashing his lips to Jimins who moaned at the contact .
Jimin looped his hands around Jungkooks neck leaping up so that Jungkooks hands helped secure him holding under his thighs Jimin hooking his legs around Jungkooks waist.
"Kookie make me yours,"
"Jimin I don't think we should....."
Jimin raised himself up before lowering himself into Jungkooks hard member," just fuck me Kookie ,"
Jungkook felt himself wrapped in Jimins tight hole, he gripped the others thighs and thrust up as he slammed Jimins back against the wall, soon both were moaning messes Jimins dick rubbing between the two.
"Kookie, mark me...."
"I want it......"
"Well you mark me too,"
Jimin gazed at the other in wonder then turned his head giving Jungkook access, jungkook felt his canines extend as he saw the soft skin he would mark. He kept thrusting feeling Jimins member go rigid," I'm cumming.....aaaagh!" As Jimin came Jungkook bit into the soft skin, pain and pleasure warred inside Jimin until pleasure overtook.
Jungkook released his bite seeing the beautiful mark that would never fade.
"Ah my mate, mine!" Jungkook said as he thrust deeply then." Jimin im cumming," he turned his neck at the same time he orgasmed, jimin sank his own canines into Jungkook feeling an immense connection as well as Jungkooks pulsating dick throbbing in his ass.
Releasing his teeth he unhooked his legs Jungkook letting him slide down.
He could feel Jungkooks pleasure inside himself , like wise Jungkook could tell how happy Jimin was.
Washing themselves they then went to the bed curling up in each other's arms.
"I'm sorry Kookie, I let my insecurities rule me."
"Hush baby, that doesn't matter,just sleep , tomorrow you move in with me."
"Oh............ok if your sure?"
"Your mine so we will be together ," he kissed Jimins forehead sleep baby."
Jimin nodded curling against the other his hands on Kookies chest , within minutes they were both asleep,

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