A path to where

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It was the third day since their heat and rut started. If Jimin had been innocent before he certainly wasn't now. He'd never known how many places you could have sex, the shower, against a door, kitchen worktops , he felt like there was nowhere they hadn't had sex.he hadn't ever thought of himself as a sexual person but the lust he'd felt proved him wrong.
They had earlier had sex on the sofa before climbing into bed for much needed rest.
Jimin woke up, quietly tip toeing from the bed immediately knowing his heat was over . His body felt normal no sensitivity, no arousal. He heaved a sigh of relief then looked at the other sleeping male.
He felt embaressment now that the lust was gone, he'd given himself to virtually a stranger, even though fate called them mates Jimin hadn't allowed the other to mark him something in his lust crazed mind stopping him.
He made up his mind there and then, picking up his own trousers and jacket and a t shirt of Jungkooks he hurriedly dressed, he knew Jungkook would sleep for a while but he wanted no argument to what he was doing .
Slipping quietly from the house he hailed a taxi, quickly going to his apartment he packed his meagre belongings up called a taxi again, dropping by his landlords to pay up his rent and hand over his keys, then instructed the taxi driver to take him and his belongings to a hotel that was cheap but respectable, luckily they had a room and were happy to let Jimin have it.
Dumping his things there he walked around the corner picking snacks up from the convenience store there and taking that and a newspaper back to his room so that he could look for rentals near to his work.
Sitting cross legged on the bed he began circling likely places but was stopped by his phone.
Glancing at it he saw it was Unknown so he answered," hello?"
"Where the hell are you!!"
Jimin gulped, then mustering his courage he spoke,
" my heat stopped which means your rut did too,"
"I don't care get your ass back here,"
"I said no, there is no need for you to take care of me anymore......., t-thank you for your help but it's finished now."
"So...., what happens the next time, are we just going to be fuck buddies once a month?"
"No....., it doesn't concern you ,"
"Like hell it doesn't , I'm coming to yours to get you,"
"I don't live there anymore."
"God help me Jimin I've never felt so angry, I'm your mate I demand to know........"
"Stop it, I don't need a mate, I'll do what you must have always done at that time of month, I'll just find someone."
A deep growl came down the phone, " don't even think it,"
"Oh hush up, I'm tired I will be in work tomorrow and don't expect to be harassed by you."
Jungkook realising his demanding way was getting him nowhere, tried a softer approach," Jimin as I haven't marked you you will be a target, a male omega is a prize, others will be after you at least let me scent you to keep them away?"
I-I , don't know,"
"Jimin please it will make me feel easier."
Jimin sighed," ok, but we are not a couple,"
"Sure," Jungkook said crossing his fingers behind his back for the lie, from now on it was all out get his mate!
"I'm going to sleep now,"
"Have you eaten? Are you ok?should I pick you up to take you to work?"
"Yes,yes and no,"
Damn Jungkook thought he didn't fall for it, I want to know where he is.
"Ok then Park Jimin, make sure your at work on time." Jungkook made sure he sounded dismissive maybe he needed to play hard to get so his mate would want him, he deliberately hung up.
Jimin looked at his phone, did he just hang up on him! Pfft, so he didn't care! Did he?
Jimin got to work early, nodding at Tae who grinned at him. He went to walk to his desk but his stuff wasn't there.
"Oh Jimin, you will be working in Jungkooks office." Tae said.
"Well as your both....you know, anyway he needs a personal secretary, Namjoon has too much work , I've had to allocate someone to him as well, so you will now do the rounds with Jungkook and keep tabs on everything."
Jimin was frustrated, this mate thing was messing his life up. He stomped into the office, seeing his desk across the room from Jungkooks. Some files were already on it so he glanced through them. His mind was on Jungkook, if he tried anything just because they were unclaimed mates.......
Jungkook walked in totally ignoring Jimin, he went to his desk, Jimin all the while waiting for him to speak to him.
Jungkook looked up," is something wrong? Why are you staring at me? Have you read the files? The meeting with Miss Choi will be at eleven so make sure you know all the details...., but now we need to walk the mall, hurry up,"
Jimin stared at the other as he walked out the door, was he going to act like nothing had gone on between them?
He ran after him notebook in hand ready to take notes.
An hour and a half later Jimins head was buzzing from the notes he'd taken and the file he was reading up on. He sat rubbing his aching temple not noticing how Jungkook worriedly looked at him hoping he was ok.
Tae, buzzed through," Jimin Miss Choi is on her way up in the lift."
"Thank you," Jimin said standing up," I'll greet Miss Choi and bring her in.
Jungkook watched as Jimin went out," well this should be interesting" he thought.
His office door opened and Jimin showed a beautiful women in.She walked up to Jungkook immediately kissing him on the lips.
Jimin watched in jealousy, why was she touching his mate. He gripped his hands together to stop himself from slapping her.
She turned," oh you still here, black coffee please"
Jimin nodded going out to make it, also putting one for Jungkook as he knew how he liked his drink.
Walking back into the office he looked at the women as she sat in the edge of Jungkooks desk legs crossed skirt rising up. He stalked to the small table in front of a sofa banging down the cups," your coffees" he said, going back to his desk pretending to work .
"Does he have to be here Kookie?"
How dare she call him that!
"Jimin is my personal secretary he works in here with me..., aren't you having coffee Jimin?"
"No thank you .....sir" he muttered.
"Shall we get on with meeting ?"
Jungkook then started discussing details of  the shop that the Choi family wanted to have in the mall.All through the conversation the women was very touchy, Jiminee snapped a pen he was using in anger.Jungkook noticed every detail smirking to himself at Jimins obvious jealousy, he intentially leaned towards the women when she spoke.
Jimin got up picking the cups up with a loud clattering ," oh I'm sorry sir ,  I didn't mean to disturb you both," he lied.
Jungkook had to cover a laugh with a cough," that's fine Jimin, we are going off to lunch now so you  can go for yours,"
"Thank you sir," then feeling a bit of a devil he added,". I'm going to meet a friend for lunch ," he was pleased to see Jungkook got an annoyed look on his face at the news. He knew he was treading a wary path but continued anyway.
"I'll leave the dictaphone here in case  you want reminders of the meeting."
He put the recorder on the table pressing play immediately not that Jungkook noticed he was too busy ogling the women Jimin thought.
He left the building finding  the man he had contacted about a nearby rental waiting , he smiled at him as they walked off together not noticing a very jealous Jungkook stepping from the building with Miss Choi, seeing Jimin with an unknown man.

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