Chapter SEVEN

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I was up cooking Khalil and I some pancakes, eggs, and bacon. He was still sleep which didn't surprise me at all. He was not a morning person just like me but I got used to it.

"Khalil wake up!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I doubt he even heard me. The boy can be a heavy sleeper. Soon I heard little footsteps coming down the steps and a miniature me appeared from around the corner rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Do I have to go back home today?" he asked in a sleepy voice.

"Yep" I ruffled his hair as he climbed ontop of the stool.

"hmm" he hummed as he grabbed a plate with food on it.

"Say your grace first, i'll be back" I said walking out and grabbing my cell out my pocket and calling Janelle.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Khalil eating right now so when he gets done, i'm bringing him back. Cool?"

"yeah" she sighed with attitude. "Odell you--"

I hung up quick. I wasn't trying to hear all that. I know for a fact she probably done clowned me with her friends. I ain't have time for that shit. I said I was gone bring him back and that's what i'm gone do. Janelle and I relationship was definitely put on hold for right now. I could careless. All I care about is my son, my unborn, and my career, and also other personal family business that I needed to get straight.

I walked back in the kitchen and saw Khalil going in on his food.

"Damn boy, do your mom feed you?" I chuckled. He nodded his head with a mouth full of food. I shook my head and slid him a glass of orange juice.

"Slow down before you choke" I chuckled.

After we were done eating. I bathed him and dressed him and then went and did the same for me. We both had on polo shirts, 501 jeans, and J's. We were twinning and it was hard to tell the difference.

We hopped in my truck and headed over to Janelle's.

Once we pulled up, he hopped out and ran to the door, opening it and going inside. I walked up to the door and went to open it but Janelle appeared and blocked the entrance.

"You can go" she folded her arms. I smacked my lips and pushed pass her.

"Khalil come here real quick" I called out muggin Janelle on the slick and she returned it.

"Yes?" he appeared with a toy in his hand.

"I want you to know that no matter what, daddy love you okay?" I said kissing his forehead.

"Love you too daddy" he smiled and ran off back up the stairs.

"Now i'll go" I said and walked passed her out the door. I heard the door slam behind me and slightly chuckled at her childishness. It wasn't my fault her brother thought these hands weren't real. I hopped in my ride and decided to go by my homie Jarvis crib.

"What up O" he said dapping me up after he opened the door.

"Shit" I replied walking in and we both headed to his game room.

"Where ya girl at?" I asked realizing Brittney loud mouth ass ain't come out yet.

"I don't know. Probably out with her new friend Lida" he shrugged.

"Jacolby ole lady?" my eye brows furrowed.

"Yep, they hit it off pretty well. She a cool chick so I ain't buggin'. As long as she ain't fuckin' with no thots or no shit like that" he said taking out a beer in his fridge and handing me one.

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