Chapter One

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*This story varies from perspectives and has lewd activity.**

Setting: In the hallway at trinkwood high, Sabine and Ace are about to run into each other. It’s around 8 in the morning and school started around  7:20am. It is raining outside with dark clouds with thunder and lightning. 

Aces perspective: 

“Yeah I’ll probably come over after school, I have to stop by the store first” I say to Jake. I’m going over to his house to hang out or something. I turn my head to the left, I’m in the hallway while everyone walks around and stops to talk or get stuff from their locker.

“Hey I'll see you guys later.” I wave to the guys and shove my hands in my pocket, making my way down the hall. I keep my eyes locked with the tile beneath me as I continue my steps. Next thing I know, I’m on the floor.

My knees are bent and my palms are on the tile floor, freezing cold. I look up and see a girl, her hair is covering her face. I make a puzzled face, her hair looks so soft. I can see her rubbing her thigh from the side; she’s in the same position as me, right across from me. 

God she’s thick, I can’t help but scan her sitting frame. She’s so small, probably no more than 5’3 I think. She’s probably smaller against my frame, maybe she’s around my torso. That means I’m a foot taller.

All these thoughts race my head as she rubs her forehead and looks up, my eyes still locked on here. We finally made eye contact and I swear I was teleported to another world. She’s gorgeous, no, more than gorgeous, she looks like a god. Her eyes are so deep and majestic; her cheekbones are high; her lips are perfect. God. 

I’ve probably been staring for a while cause she finally gives me a weird look, more confused if I must say. God I love the way she looks, the face she makes is so angelic. She gives me a concerned smile and starts to get up, I should be doing the same.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t watch where I was going” I say in the light french accent I inherited from my father and mother. She gives me a small smile, It’s so bright though so small. My insides are doing somersaults right now and I don’t know why. 

I reach my hand out to help her up, she accepts it. Her palms are so small compared to mine and so soft. Her nails are perfect.She gets on her feet and looks up at me with a small smile still. I was right, her height 

is around my torso, she is definitely small compared to me; or anyone for that matter.  

“You’re fine, I should've been watching where I was going also” God, I love her voice so much. She has a feminie greek accent that I could listen to for days. It sounds so angelic and pure. Crap, I’m still staring at her.

“Thank you, but again I’m terribly sorry for knocking you down” I say, moving closer to her as the people around us grow larger. She shakes her head “don’t worry, I’m also terribly sorry though” she says softly. I shake my head in understanding, “I'm Ace” I reach my hand out. She takes my hand and moves it up and down, “I know who you are, you’re the only thing anyone talks about. You or your friends. But I’m Sabina.” she says all this quite fast and lets go of my hand.

I give her a small smile after letting out a soft chuckle, “So i’ve heard. Well Sabina, I hope those talking don’t say anything bad.”. She shrugs her shoulders “depends on who you're talking to. But I’ve got to get to Mr. Macks class soon.” I nod my head, “well have a lovely day Sabina, could I possibly get your number?”. She giggles, she literally giggles. “Sure” she says while calming down a little. She holds out her hand, probably needing my phone; I take it out my pocket and hand it to her, after unlocking it. She tabs the screen a couple times, then a couple more; handing me my phone back. 

I look down at the screen and see her contact saved, she put her name as ‘Sabina(:’, dear I might die from her pureness.

She waves at me and walks around me, I turn around and see her walking to Mr. Macks room. Her hips naturally sway as she walks, I like it. Thank god I asked for her number, I plan on talking to her later on today.

Sabinas perspective:

I walk into Mr. Macks class right as the bell rings, I don’t really like this class; it’s math class. I’m good with numbers and math but the teacher is weird; I don’t judge but he’s rude and gross. I wish I could switch, I might do that actually. 

I wonder why that guy asked for my number, I mean I’m not that good looking. Maybe he wanted to apologize again, he did say sorry a lot. But he’s Ace Felix, he doesn’t ask non-good looking girls for their number to apologize.

Maybe he has bad intentions, most boys at this school do anyway. All I need to do is avoid him but make it seem like I’m not, I’d prefer not to get him mad at me; or anyone, people mad is scary. 

Anyways, I don’t have time to think about people; I need to focus on my schooling so I can get into college. Not focus on some clumsy boy, especially Ace. 

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