Chapter Two

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*This story varies from perspectives and has lewd activity.**

After school

The rain and thunder went away but it’s still dark outside

Aces perspective

I walked out the entrance door into the parking lot, I needed to go to the supermarket then to my friends house. I should text Sabina when I’m over there, maybe I’ll get advice from the guys. I doubt they can give me any though, they’re never good with girls; it’s like talking to a seven year old when they flirt. 

I walk through the parking lot to my motorcycle, it’s jet black and a pretty decent size; I mean it fits my legs. 

I kick back the kick-stan and look up, about to put my helmet on. I see Sabina walking towards my bike, god she’s gorgeous. Her hair’s blowing in the wind, and she’s smiling; which is even better.

I start my bike and balance it out, Sabina see’s me and starts walking towards me, waving her hand. I set my helmet in my lap. I give her a smile as she walks up to me, earning another smile back. “I wanted to know why you wanted my number.” crap, I can’t tell her I wanted to make a move.

I shrug my shoulders, “I can’t get a pretty girl's info?”, she shrugs with a small smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. God that’s hot. “Depends” she says and looks up at me

I feel someone resting their forearm on my shoulder, I look over and it’s Jake. “Hey pretty thing” he says and looks down at Sabina, she clears her throat and smiles at him. “I’ll see you around I guess” she says and gives me and Jake a small wave goodbye. Me and Jake Turn to watch her walk away, god she’s so sexy.

“Who is that hot stuff” Jake says while turning his head to mine, I’m still watching Sabinas hips sway back and forth; they're quite mesmerizing. “That is Sabina, I bumped into her in the hall…literally”. He nods his head in understandment. “Keep her” he says and pats my shoulder before walking over to his car and getting in. “I wish” I mumble and put my helmet on.

I make it to the store and park my bike, I don’t think I’ll be long. I take off my helmet and get off my bike, right after I turn the engine off. I get inside the market and grab a basket, heading over to the dry noodle section.

What I saw next was not something I expected; a 5’3 Sabina trying to reach green tea noodles on a higher shelf. Adorable. I should help though, hm. I walk over behind her, setting my basket down softly. I place my hands on her perfect hips, earning a small yelp and her standing flat on her feet again. I quickly bend down but not too fast, whispering “it’s just me” in her ear so she doesn’t think I’m kidnapping her.

I stand back up, reaching up to the noodle; pressing my back against hers, I could feel her warmth radiating off to my body. I can feel her leaning back into my torso and chest, hopefully that means she’s ok with me being here.

I grab the noodles, pressing more into her, god this is killing me. Her hips are so squishy and I have to force myself not to grab them and hug her from behind. God this is hard, like me if I stay here pressing against her. 

I grab the noodles and lean back, taking a step backward as I lean. I let go of her hips and turn her around. 

Sabinas perspective

I walk into the market, needing noodles for dinner. I walk into the aisle and reach for the noodles, I hate being short. I do a little jump, trying to reach the noodle still until I feel a pair of hands on my hips.

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