Chapter 3: Scars are Beautiful

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Hello! I hope you like this chapter, it's a bit longer then usual so enjoy!

Trigger warning: In this story there are multiple instances and mentions of Self harm,

Suicide, PTSD, and deprssion. You have been Warned.


Erza watched as Lucy walked back to her seat, sitting once again and immediately falling asleep. She couldn't help but glance at the blonde. She had been worried about her, her eyes had become duller since phantom attacked.

She just wanted to see for herself why Lucy was acting this way, but no matter how many times she would ask Lucy would say she was fine and just simply smile back at her.

Yet Lucy had started to look so pale when she slept Erza would notice her wincing and murmuring in her sleep. She wondered how Phantom truly affected her, she never truly knew what they had done to Lucy. But from the way Lucy acted around Gajeel she couldn't assume that it was pleasant at all.

Erza watched the scenery go by, her mind wandering to what could have happened. Fairy tail was never one to pry on personal information, but Erza couldn't help but feel like there was something dearly wrong with her friend.

"Next stop, Lilly Bay!" A voice on the speakers suddenly announced, Erza nudged Lucy's shoulder, causing the Celestial mage to wake up groggily.

"Our stop is here, it's time to get off." She stated, getting up and watching as Lucy did the same. They turned to get off before Erza felt Lucy wrap her arms around her waist, she turned to see that Lucy had tripped, but got up quickly. "Sorry, I guess my legs fell asleep." Lucy smiled. Erza simply nodded and continued walking, they got out of the train and looked around.

"Now, we need to go to Gerall town, which is supposedly North from here." Erza said, walking out of the station and looking at a large map of Lilly Bay. "Alright, so if we take this path we should get to the town within an hour or so if we walk." Erza said, hearing lucy groan behind her. They started walking towards the path that headed to Gerall town.

They walked in silence for a long while, Erza glancing at her blonde friend from time to time, who seemed to be looking down at her feet. She then thought of the perfect thing to say to the blonde that would surely make her cheer in joy.

"I heard that the cake in Lilly Bay is supposedly amazing." Erza grinned, puffing out of her chest, seeing as Lucy turned to her and stopped looking at her feet.

"Oh, well we will need to try some after this job is over then, won't we?" Lucy smiled. Erza couldn't help but feel proud when she saw she had made Lucy smile. It felt like she hadn't seen it as often as she wanted to. Now her main task was to finish this job so she could go have a delicious cake with Lucy after the job was done. The path led to a sunlit woods, the path becoming a dirt road as they continued to trek through the forest.

They continued chatting as they walked on the dirt path, talking about several things that they had been doing over the past few months. Erza had learned that Lucy had decided to start writing a book, which she insisted on reading as soon as she was finished.

The town could be seen up ahead, they nearly made it when they heard snickers coming from the bushes. Multiple men hopped out, holding daggers, swards, and some even carrying guns. These must be the muggers that they needed to deal with their were at least 30 of them.

"What do we have here boys, looks like we got ourselves both money and a good time." One of the men grinned, seeming to be the leader, he had a long black beard and was only wearing genes. Erza felt disgusted with how gross this man was being, she subconsciously stepped in front of Lucy.

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