Chapter 5: "Maybe give her some space"

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Auther's note

Hey guys! Sorry that this chapter took so long, I have had a lot of school work and have not been able to write that much. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Warnings: Self-harm, blood, self-hatred, self-doubt, suicidal thoughts, arguing, Mirajane being a matchmaker. (Please let me know if I missed anything)

When Lucy opened her eyes, she noticed scarlet-coloured hair in front of her face. Lucy glanced up, seeing that Erza was leaning on her head, the redhead's hair falling in front of the blonde's face. She must have fallen asleep, Erza too from the looks of it. She took a glance outside, seeing Magnolia in the distance, they were nearly there.

Lucy tried to stand up but failed as Erza just leaned onto her more. She glanced at the cake that Erza had bought for her, she hated to say it, since Erza probably hated her, but she cared for the Scarlet mage, she was kindhearted and cute, even though at times she was terrifying. It hurt that Lucy was the cause of the guildhalls' destruction, where Erza grew up.

She wasn't even strong enough to handle a few bandits, much less to protect the guild she loved. Lucy suspected no one in the guild cared for her anymore, some guildmates had started avoiding her after the Phantom lord incident, she even caught Wakaba giving her a dirty look once. It hurt so much, knowing that most likely her friends hated her, that they were acting and probably waiting a moment to strike her down.

It hurt more than any cut she could give herself.

Lucy perked as she heard the train speakers speak, they were about to arrive back home. She turned to the redhead, she couldn't help but smile, Erza looked so peaceful.

Lucy couldn't believe she was about to wake her up.

"Pst, Erza! The train is about to arrive at Magnolia!' Lucy murmured, seeing as Erza's lips quirked upward and her arms suddenly jerked up, wrapping around the Blonde and hugging her fiercely. "Er-erza, please wake up..... You're squishing me...." Lucy groaned, wincing at the cold armour pressing against her face.

Suddenly the redhead opened her eyes, looking down and seeing Lucy pressed against her breastplate, she immediately released her grip and flushed lightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do-" Erza stuttered before she was abruptly cut off.

"I know, but we need to get off before the doors close," Lucy said, grabbing her bag and cake, starting to walk out, Erza followed suit. They walked out of the train, an uncomfortable silence surrounding them.

"Let's get you home, I will tell the guild that you might be resting for a few days so your wound heals, I will have Wendy come to your house to heal you." Erza stated, Lucy flinched. "I don't need you babying me Erza, I'm fine to go back to the guild." Lucy grumbled.

"Hm, I supposed you're right, that might be a bit much. Let's just go to the guild and find Wendy." Erza said, nodding to herself as lucy's anger slowly rose. "No, I'm fine, it's a small cut." Lucy stated, continuing to become irritated at the Requip mage. "Lucy, I don't want you to overexert yourself, that cut looks deep. Wendy will be able to help you quickly. Besides, you probably hurt yourself by running earlier." Erza said sternly.

"WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?!?!" Lucy screamed, stopping the redhead in her tracks. "I'm not a baby that needs to be protected by someone who acts like my friend even when I am the cause of you're suffering! So stop acting and just leave me alone!" Lucy yelled, turning and running to her apartment, leaving Erza in her dust.

The blonde ran until she got to her apartment, she slammed her door open, shutting it behind her and gasping for breath. She dropped her belongings on the floor and put Erza's cake on her table. Lucy just stared at the cake, somehow still in perfect condition.

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