Frill With Anxious! Reader (HCs)

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Requested by Flawlessjesus! Tysm for requesting. This is my first time writing headcanons so I apologise if they're crap.

• So, you showed up at the Tealerland amusement park, whether before or after the events of the game
• It was more or less a dare from someone, because let's face it, on your own accord you wouldn't of even stepped 20 feet within distance of this hellhole
• You eventually reach the underground facility, and despite your entire body almost on the brink of shutting itself down, you continue with a terrible tremble
• And then eyes bore right into you
• You couldn't help but freeze as soon as that gut wrenching feeling sunk in, and soon you really feel like going over the edge
• It doesn't help that this 7- maybe 8 foot tall frilled lizard looking animatronic with a knight's armor walks up with a blank scowl
• If your muscles weren't so painfully contracted, you would've bolted the hell out of there without second thought
• "Screw my already low self esteem, my life's more important,"
• But god said no
• And now here you are, very close to having a panic attack, as this rusted, somehow still working animatronic stares you down menacingly
• Neither of you moved, mainly because you couldn't, and it just kept watching you
• Maybe it was only alerted to movement-
• Suddenly, it steps closer with a groan from the metal, a very audible animalistic growl escaping its' voice box as soon enough, it was interrogating you

• A long awaited 20 minutes pass and you're finally able to speak
• How you're still alive, let alone standing is a blessing in its own right.
• "Frill", as you learned this animatronic was called, had found you interesting
• Any other human, he would've killed without hesitation, maybe even let go if he felt exceedingly generous
• But you caught his eye in a foreign way
• And suddenly he had the urge to meet you, to get to know you

• To protect you

• So, here you were, finally able to rest your body (and what relief it brought afterwards), and talk to Frill
• He's actually a little more kinder than you would think, definitely having that "chivalry" chip still active
• But it's only with those he's very close with
• And you two just clicked immediately
• He helped soothe your anxiety everytime it hit, and with every noise and shift, he was quick to "protect" you.

• It was endearing, to say the least
• I mean, what's better than a surprisingly caring and protective 7- 8 foot tall animatronic who assisted you when needed?
• Eventually, you came to a close with your dare (no worries, you told him about it in one of your conversations), and you two parted ways

• He was very conflicted with this new emotion, later finding out it was sadness
• Yes, this aggressive metal lizard was sad that you, someone who looked past that almost impenetrable wall
• A human
• Was leaving
• You promised to come back, whether it be tomorrow or in the next month
• And all he found himself set on was patience for your return

• He can wait, he told himself. He will wait

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