Frill X Anxious! Reader HCs (2)

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I'm sorry this took so long, I ended up leaving the fandom rather quickly so updates/requests will be much slower if anymore are sent in for the time being. But enjoy these for now.

• You stood outside of the amusement park, eyes wandering over the entire establishment
• You didn't know how long it had been since the last time you'd been there

• Truth be told, you really wanted to go back the very next day after you met Frill
• But suddenly, life caught up to you, and you were bombarded with work
• It startled you, really. You were just fine months ago. What happened??
• Least to say, the company fired you for "being too slow"

Yeah you were furious

• So then you set out to find a new job, which took a minimal few weeks
• But now, here you were, on your tiny "sick day" break, and you were determined to see Frill again

• You step down through the catacombs, reminiscing the precious past events
• And soon enough, something came running at you

You quickly learned it wasn't Frill

• Some jester dragon animatronic lunged at you, screeching as you had somehow glanced right at it
• You screamed, falling back and holding your arms up to block yourself, but no pain was felt

• You still couldn't understand how you missed another animatronic rushing up, but here you were, Frill guarding you and wrestling the other animatronic down
• Eventually it settled, and the frilled lizard was able to explain the situation
• It, Tealer, left you alone after apologizing, keeping his gaze away from you (as you did as well)
• Of course you accepted it, why wouldn't you?

• Frill was overly excited to see you, though
• He picked you up in a hug, his whole body almost seeming to shake
• You reached up, resting a hand on his cheekplate, and gave him a warm smile
• "I'm sorry I didn't come back as soon as I wanted..."

• "It's alright," he'd reply, "I'm just so glad you even did..."

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