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Binding targets in illusions and dreams built from their own memories and desires, she was born to manipulate and unravel the mind itself.

The large mark on her forehead houses a larger luminescent crystal eye. It is through this eye that NEL emits a light that upon contact: paralyzes muscles and induces a state of rem sleep in those targets, trapping them within an Illusionary Dreamscape.

Even if one doesn't see the light, when exposed to the skin of a human or stand it causes a numbing effect like anesthesia.

This effect can even be useful in stopping or dulling pain. Even Slowing bloodflow to lower bleeding.

This light is also capable of affecting multiple targets once, so long as the stay within 15 meters of NEL.

They need not stay in the light, they simply need have been hit with the initial exposure and stay in the limited radius near NEL.

There is no limit on targets she can put to sleep, but each targets brain is different in resistance and time before reawakening.

NEL isn't a very combat worthy stand, NEL is incapable of inducing nightmares or fear into her targets in any way.
Nor can NEL effectively fight aside from using her powers in disruption or defence.

This overall weakness however, is of little detriment to NEL's abilities against an opponent. Especially when said opponent is already trapped in a mindscape.

Nel works best in stopping targets so her user can run escape. But works well with a combat stand; allowing her to interrogate targets. NEL's interrogation and information gathering abilities are second to none.

Unlike the Death stand which creates a nightmare world in which the stand kills it's victims. NEL's dreamscapes use the targets memories and desires to trigger chemical responses such as dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphin releases.

The overwheming release of euphoric chemicals in the targets brain causes them to become much more obediant, answering most any and all questions the user has to ask.

NEL can also project the images of her targets dreams through her 3rd eye. Reading minds and memories as they appear, and producing picture and sound in real time.

NEL's hair, feathers, and scales are capable of reflecting and bending multiple forms of light, including the light of her 3rd eye. Through this, she can blind and/or disorient many targets at once. Although is method is not recomended when trying to capture a target in a dream land.

But when in an encounter; it's important that NEL not be alone in a fight, as it would surely lead to her and her user's imminent demise against any enemy stronger or faster than her.

Overall, NEL is a support type stand that is best paired with another stand user who can protect her while she interrogates her target.

Most any power type stand user will find massive benefit from NeverEverLand's assistance.

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