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i gonna be focusing here and my joliver book the most !!

jakes pov

i couldn't stop thinking about the loml but i knew i had to take a break for a while.

devons pov

chucks texted me on jakes phone

"pls come back soon he won't stop crying about you"

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it's jake crying and hugging the toy bear i gave him on out 1st movie night, i loved jake omg i enjoyed vacation but jake was home.

i was talking to my mom as she was on call with someone,probably someone from the department.

"i'm vacation with my son,i'll have to call u back sorry" my mom says

"what's wrong mom ?" i ask her

"i'm risking my job for you devon, this will be the last in about 2 month we can relax."

she tells me

"mom it's fine we don't have to go to vaca every single month" i tell her holding her shoulder.

one day(jevon devon + jake)<3Where stories live. Discover now