Happy Endings

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Happy Endings

Who am I? I don't know. I can easily lose myself in books, and fall for people who aren't even real. I can make up stories about people that don't exist and give them a happy ending. People who read my stories think it's all a figment of my imagination, yet they never think that I wish I could have a happy ending like that.

Stories and books and series are so beautiful, always ending with "Happily Ever After," little do we all know, there is no such thing as a happy ending. I realized so a long time ago, yet, I still wish they were real. I still cry over books, and people who get hurt. But the best stories are the saddest.

Those stories show things that could really happen, even if they make you cry. I like those stories because even if they are sad, the stories reflect some truth.

There was a story I once read, it was about a dying teenage boy, who was writing letters for his boyfriend's future birthdays. His letters were all random, but they all had one thing in common. They all said "I love you" at the end. Every time, the dying boy asked about his boyfriend's future life, if he had kids, a wife, a family, if he still remembered his name. In the last letter, he wrote that the boy he loved had gone to get him a drink, though he probably didn't remember doing so. He said he would wait forever, if needed, just to see his love once again. He passed away soon after, and his letters were read.

Reading this story, was the time I cried. I rarely cry, but the resemblance to real-life made me feel empty, yet I wanted someone in my life, who would look at me the same way and would care enough to write me letters, in their last moments of life.

A/N: This story was inspired by an Aokise story I read not long ago. I don't want to steal ideas, so I'll give the name of the author, as well as the translator. The story is called "Goodbye [Aokise]" and was written by @siriusblacksbffreal in French and translated by @Licorne- Toffee- 2. The story is really a masterpiece and I just wanted to say thank you for the inspiration!!  

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