Christoff Isn't a God

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Third Person POV

Sanford held his shot glass upside down, letting a single drop of booze land on the table. He and Deimos and severely miscalculated how much alcohol they had when they started a drinking competition. Turns out, they only had enough for about three rounds.
Thankfully, Jebediah happened to walk into the room as they finished their last shot.
"Hey, Christoff," Deimos called out, reaching for a bottle of water. "Can you do a miracle an' help us out with our drinkin' game?"
The scientist looked exasperated, but then again, when did he not? "I'm gonna explain something to you right now."
Deimos and Sanford nodded.
"And then you're gonna promise me to never ask that damn question again."
Sanford looked skeptical. Deimos continued to hold onto the water bottle.

"I. Am not. Jesus."
"Wha?" Asked Sanford. Deimos made no noise, but drew a circle around the top of his head with his free hand.
Jebediah sighed and pulled off the Nexus Fragment. It pulsated yellow and slowly darkened as he held it in his hand. "This isn't actually a religious symbol. I'm not Jesus, I'm not god. I can't turn your water into wine."
"Your name is Jebediah Christoff," Deimos said.
"You have a halo," Sanford added.
Christoff grumbled, "It's an experimental object of raw power created through science."
"You do have a halo," Deimos said, apparently not hearing Christoff.
Sanford finished Deimos' sentence, "And you're not Jesus?"

Jebediah stared at the two. He stuck the Nexus weapon back on his head and stuck his hand out. A string of lightning struck out from his palm and exploded the water bottle in Deimos' face, dousing him and extinguishing the cigarette he had in his mouth.
Deimos took off his soggy visor and threw it at Jebediah, who hurriedly left before the smoker could throw anything bigger at him.

Deimos was about to follow the scientist, but Sanford stopped him, "it's not worth it man, just calm down."
The door from which Jebediah had entered swung open again, and the two looked towards it. There stood Hank, completely doused in water.
"So uh..." Hank cleared his throat. "Christoff is not Jesus, and he will not walk on water."

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