Catelyn I

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Catelyn Stark sat with her uncle Brynden and brother Edmure on the dais of Riverruns great hall, the Northern and Riverlords sat at tables beneath them, all of their attentions turned to Robb. He was just fifteen namedays old, yet waging a war against the most feared man in Westeros. Possibly against Lords Stannis and Renly too, if they could not forge an alliance.

Robb was standing, not seated, and in his hand was a letter sealed with the royal sigil. From Joffrey. Catelyn had no doubt. Robb opened the letter in front of his vassals and read it out loud.

"To Lord Robb of Winterfell,
You cannot hope to win this war alone. Tywin would offer terms, Jaime in exchange for your sisters, if you accept he will crush you as soon as he has his son back. This is not a threat but a warning, to win the war and get true justice for your father and free your sisters you must stake your claim with King Stannis of the House Baratheon, the first of his name, King of the Andals and the First men, King of the Rhoynar and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Your forces can keep Tywin occupied while Stannis takes King's Landing and frees your sisters from Joffrey's custody. Stannis is the one true King, Renly is a usurper and Joffrey a bastard born of incest between Queen Cersei and the Kingslayer. In the meantime I will return to King's Landing to ensure no harm befalls Sansa and Arya. I shall guard them with my lives. Please heed my words.
Signed your cousin, Lord Kayne Baratheon of Summerhall. Son of King Robert of the House Baratheon first of his name and Lady Lyanna Stark of Winterfell."

The letter was met with uproar from numerous Lords, namely the Northern ones.
"Ha! What chance does Stannis have of taking King's Landing? He has a fleet aye but barely enough men to raid my kitchens!" Lord Umber mocked, Catelyn noticed Robb clench his fists.
"I say we join with Renly! He has the Stormlords and the Reach backing him!" Lord Karstark added.
"Renly is not the rightful King. Stannis is the elder brother. If Bran can't be Lord of Winterfell before me then Renly cannot be King before Stannis!" Robb argued back, but it was futile. Both Northern and Riverlords began to yell over which Baratheon they should support until they were silenced by Catelyn's uncle.

"The boy is right, as is Kayne. Stannis is the rightful ruler of Westeros and a just man." Brynden 'The Blackfish' Tully was an old man, some would say passed his prime, but anyone who knew him personally knew better. He was still a formidable fighter for a man of his age, a veteran of two wars, the war of the Nine Penny Kings and Robert's Rebellion. He was well respected, yet his statement was met with further uproar.

"Here is what I say to these two kings." The Greatjon boomed and spat at the floor. "Renly Baratheon is nothing to me. Nor Stannis neither. Why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the south? What do they know of the Wall or the wolfswood? Even their Gods are wrong! Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? It was the Dragons we bowed to, and now the Dragons are dead." He drew his long sword and pointed it towards Robb. "There sits the only King I mean to bend my knee to. THE KING IN THE NORTH!" He roared.

Others immediately took up the call, raising their swords and yelling "THE KING IN THE NORTH! THE KING IN THE NORTH! THE KING IN THE NORTH!" Until the entire castle of Riverrun was undoubtedly filled with the call. The Northerners and Riverlords both declared him their King and Catelyn smiled as she watched. This was a victory for House Stark, no longer would they be under the control of the iron throne. They would get vengeance for Ned and free her girls from the Lannister's. The bastard and his lies could not tear apart her family now.

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