Chapter 6

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It's 28th April and my class is doing fine. Everyone is behaving in the class, even Ken. I hung out a lot with him. We would help each other for practice and I helped him somewhat in his studies. He started to have control over his anger. I have fun hanging out with him and he is just easy to talk with.

Other than Ken, I became good friends with Kikyou, Yousuke, Kei, Maya, Kayano, Akito, Eren and Kenji. I tried to hang out with everyone else too, but it was hard because of the club.

Horikita started being polite with Kikyou, occasionally even hanging out with her. This led to an increase in her popularity.

I was going to talk with Kei, with Yousuke present, to tell her to stop picking on Airi, but that might lead to her not pushing the class C girl, which means Kiyo might not get his to---, I mean girlfriend. So I decided against it. Sorry, Airi.

The club is going great too. Many members are serious about volleyball as a career, and others love playing it too. So it's fun to play when everyone is giving their best. Kenji will start being in official matches in a few months.

He and Ito-san are the only setter in the club. So Suzuki-san wants to let Kenji have some hands-on experience. And he deserves it. He already was a great setter, and now, he is trying to learn to set perfectly for each member.

Eren does a crazy strong straight-down spike, and even his normal ones cut through the opponent's defence. But he has a really bad receiving technique, so he is improving that. I am trying to learn the jump float serve. But it's so hard to aim that sometimes, the ball hits the net.

Other than single practices, we have a proper match every week, to improve synergies and keep it fresh and fun. 

Anyways, Sensei would take our secret test today which I am not sure how many would pass. I hope Ken and the other 6 do. But it depends upon how much they study.

Sensei entered the class in the third period. "Alright, class. Today, we're going to have a short test. Please pass these to the back." She said while giving the test papers. I scanned through mine. "This test won't be reflected in your report card." This made many relieved. Even though this test won't be reflected in the report card, it would allow all to see where they stand.

There were four questions per subject. The questions were really easy except for the last 3. The second last and third last questions were would require a bit of extra knowledge, which would be taught next year, and a lot of thinking, while the last question used concepts which will be taught in last year. But I knew how to solve all of these, even History. I started studying Japanese History taught in primary and middle school 2 weeks ago, but soon found out that I have perfect knowledge of that. Just like the Japanese language it seems that I know it by heart. Thank you, God, or whoever brought me here. So I finished in 15 minutes.

Since I had extra time, I observed my classmates. Everyone was still writing except for Kouenji. Some of them were stressed. Seeing the last three questions would even stun students like Horikita and Keisei, but they would probably recollect themselves back. I looked at Horikita. She was solving the paper confidently. She can solve all the first 17 questions easily. Same with Keisei. They both will also solve 1 out of the 3 hard ones. This won't change. The marks of weaker students will. The class average should rise. Now the question is whether the 7 students could score more than half of the class average.

After the test, I went to the podium. "I am sure many of you aren't anxious about the results. This won't be reflected in the report card. But what if this was a real exam. How many of you can say that you'll score above 85. I can guarantee you that the class average of class A would be 85+. And it's not just class A that we have to compete with."

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