Bart n' John

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Buffalo Texas

Several Hours Later.

In a what seemed like and instant Judy's life was ruined, the drive across the next town was difficult. She had wrapped Harris and Joey's bodies in cloth and ser them down in the living room floor prior to leaving. She also grabbed any equipment from the gunmen, two MP5's, two Browning Hi-Power's, one AK-74U and several mags of ammo for each gun. "Whoever these guys were, they meant business, well so do I......God, please let my little girl still be alive."

She drove as cautious as she could to avoid being pulled over, if she, "I can bet the police won't take kindly to me having several fully automatic weapons in the trunk of my car." She thought.

Pice sirens whooped out in the air, she turned and looked, it looked like it was gonna pull her over....she gripped her Beretta.

The cop sped past her and she looked to see another vehicle pulled over. She almost threw up from her nerves but she continued to drive. Tired of the deafening silence she put on the radio and listened to Billy Idol.

Interrogation room

"What about your arm?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you had been hit when you chased after the van...what about your arm?"

"I rapped it up as best I could and wore a long sleeve shirt....luckily it was winter."

"Where were you intending to go?"

"I was following Suzy's scent as best I could...kinda hard when you're grieving and whatnot."

"You can skip the drive, tell us about when the Civil War officially started."


Back in Judy's car

Passing through Buffalo the scent seemed to be going towards Palenstine, so she headed past the Buffalo strip and again to avoid suscpicion drove like it was any other day and not the day she had witnessed her family be torn apart. The emergency announcement alert blared through the car as a stressed and frantic reporter gave America shocking news.

"Attention! Attention! Due to the race riots; Supernatural and human extremists have just had a massive firefight in the capitol building!, Hundreds of humans were killed in the battle, the casualty list for the supers has not been released yet. President Barlowe has announced that the entire county is under martial law and has ordered everyone to stay inside and barricade yourself."

Judy heard more sirens as she entered the town and saw military trucks and jeep roll into town.

"My God!" She said.

The news reporter spoke again, "Ladies and Gentleman, America is at war....with itself."

She looked to see signs damming the supernaturals and praising the Army that was pouring in the town, Judy's anger grew suddenly as a mob gathered on the road and was checking drivers and passengers, rooting out possible supers.

"Please don't check this car, PLEASE don't check this car."
Judy thought aa the mob grew closer, she rolled down the window as they looked at her. "HEY! I hope you kill those super son's of bitches!" Saying that made her feel sick to her stomach but it satisfied the mob as they moved on past the next car. The roar of the crowd grew as they dragged someone out of their car. An elven man with a greenish complection and pointed ears. She gripped her Beretta as they beat him in the open streets.



A can was thrown in the crowd and smoke poured out obscuring her sight as well as everyone else's.

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