Boise, Idaho

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Judy turned back to Sal, "Anyway it was all fine, fun even, till we hit Idaho, Boise to be exact, that's when we learned what the war had done to average society."

Boise Idaho, several days later

The groups little cross crountry had been an exshausting one, encountering several, "colorful" characters, a mad man with a flamethrower, rouge army patrols, but it was rewarding spending time with nice people, especially Yosef who reminded her of her husband, "Such a shy guy." She giggled. But that then reminded her of Harris, she took out her wallet. She took a long look at a family photo, "My brave little Joey....and the only one who ever put up with me....Harris." She felt tears starting to form so she closed her wallet, got up and checked on Barry, "What's it like driving a tank on wheels?"

"Ain't tanks already on wheels?"

"Nnnnnnooo? They're on treads."

"Oh I'm sorry miss militairy gal."

She clicked her tongue then walked off to check Yosef chilling in the gunner's seat.

"You need anything Yosef?"

"Nope, just keeping an eye out, so many cars just litter the roads, like something from an apocolypse movie.....well I guess we are in an apocolyptic event huh?"

She chuckled but nodded, "Yeah it seems that way, but we've went from Jewett Texas all the way to Idaho, I say we're doing great!"

The brakes roared in agony and Judy fell on her back, "AGH! BARRY WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?"

"There's a wounded person in the road, what do I do?"

"Well we're still Good Hearts, keep the bus running, Andy bring a medkit and follow me."

Andy sprang to action, "Yes Ma'am!"

"Marcus keep a look out in the rear, YOSEF!"

He popped his head down, "Yo!?"

"Keep the machine gun on the road in front of us got it?"

"I got it Judy."

Judy and Andy exited the bus and slowly approached the stranger in the road.

"P-please help....we didn't stand a chance."

"Judy look at there arm, is that blood?"

"Yup, okay Andy get to work, when you're done I'll help get him on the bus."

"Got'cha." Andy knelt down and worked vigorously, wrapping the man's legs with turnaquites, "Alright, bleedin's stopped, let's get him aboard."

Judy grabbed the man's arms and Andy grabbed their feet, "1 2 3 lift." Barry pulled the bus closer and they loaded him in the rear. "Alright Barry let's see if we can park this place for the night."

"Look as the driver I suggest we push ahead and, "He leaned close to her ear, "I say we ditch our new passenger."


"What!? Look we already saved his life he'll be fine I bet."

"The man is unconscious, now look you are the driver, however I say we find a place to camp for the night."

Barry sulked and slowly changed the gear and took off towards town.

"Alright Missy were fo we go then? Park in a gas station, fuckin park in the trees near town, what?"

She pointed near an office building in the city center, "We'll set up shop there for a few days, get out bearings and then head out."

"What about our new passenger?" Andy said as he continued working on said man.

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