Bye bye Austin

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Back at the interrogation room

"Holy shit, I mean, what happened next Ms.Rameriez?"

"Bartley was crying, he had never killed a man before that day, looking back I regret what I did, I should've done better, as for John he almost threatened to abandon the search for Suzy....till Bartley said they couldn't, they were doing it for her."

"Alright, what was the next move y'all made?"

"Well we decided to bring the evidence I had to the Good Hearts Headquarters in Austin, but you know how that went....."

"Yes...wiped off the face of the Earth."

Two days later back in Bartley's car.

After almost two days of apologizing to Bartley the gang finally felt confidant enough to try and make it to the TGH Headquarters.

"Mrs. Rameriez?"

"Yes Bartley?"

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry we couldn't find your daughter, and to thank you for saving me."

"No, Bartley I'm sorry that you had to go against your morales for my mistake, I know something like that is hard, but-"

"Actually, about that, I wanted to talk to you about that, after seeing those files you took, I think this war is a right one, I just hope we win, besides we're a militia, we're supposed to fight....right?"

"Unfortunately yes, but trust me they are evil men, they've done horrible things, you Good Hearts however, you guys are my heroes."

She saw the tears in his eyes, he hugged her tightly, she felt the tears on her chest, "Thank you...thank you so much," He let go and pulled out a 1911 from his back pocket, "Just in case?"

She giggled, "Just in case."

"Alright guys, let's get to headquarters, they need to see this." John said as he walked by.

"Okay, but put a shirt on or something please?"

"All my shirts are in the washer!"

"Well then wash them!"

Judy giggled at the playful banter and it felt good, being able to laugh, despite it all at least she figured her family was up in paradise. "Yeah about that, what size does John wear?"

"Let's see, he wears an 8XL in shirts, 68x75 in pants and 20s in shoes.

"Jesus, how do you find the clothes?"

"Well he makes his own and there was this store specifically for werebears....till the owner was lynched."

"Oh fuck."

"That's what inspired him and I to join the Good Hearts."

Bartley's eyes sparked suddenly with a strange fire, "I mean this was a woman who went out of her way to help put clothes on peoples back....and they just slaughter her in broad daylight, and shot the ones who tried to help her, so anything I can do to fight back against bet I'll do it." He took a breath and smiled, "Now like papa bear said let's get going."

"I told you not to call me that!"

"What? I'm just saying you're a great father!"

"Thanks, you ain't that bad of a son!"

"Gee that all?" He muttered, he packed up some bags and loaded them up in another vehicle, no doubt the van had been put on some sort of watchlist of sorts. "Everybody ready?"

Judy hopped in the back seat as Bartley called shotgun. John pulled out of the driveway and drove for Austin.

"Damn this winter rain, always causing traffic delays, hey Bart turn on the radio will ya?"

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