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Luke’s hand shook around the steaming cup of coffee. Ashton was walking next to him, keeping a respectable distance, but glancing at him ever half a minute or so. The streets were still crowded, and Luke was trembling like a leaf.

“We could sit down if you want?” Ashton proposed. Luke nodded curtly, closing his eyes. He didn’t want to admit it, but there were tears threatening to cascade down his cheeks. He couldn’t cry. Not again. Surely there was a limit to the amount of times you could cry on a first date before it got socially unacceptable.

Ashton had to push him down to make him sit on the bench. His hands were still lingering on Luke’s hips, leaving burns and rainbows in their wake, but Luke was too busy backtracking his thoughts to notice.

“Wait,” he said. He paused for a moment to wince at his voice. It sounded hoarse after not having been used for so long. “Is this a first date?”

Ashton shuffled against him, his hands disappearing from Luke’s waist.

“Not exactly. I have to settle some things first.”

Of course. Why was Luke such an idiot? His nails dug into his skin. He probably made things awkward now. Who even asks someone if they’re on a date?

“But I’d like to do that with you in the future.”

Luke nodded curtly, still too horrified from ten seconds ago to trust his voice. Ashton’s hands grabbed Luke’s, freeing his skin and frowning at the pale half-moons that dented it.

“But,” he whispered, and Luke almost started crying. “I don’t want you to stress if that happens.” Ashton moved around on the bench until he caught Luke’s eye. “So maybe we should practise?”

Ashton’s thumb was now stroking the back of Luke’s hands, the endlessness of his eyes enough to render Luke speechless. They stared at each other. Luke felt the tears burning his eyes, flickering with the promise to ruin this moment and roll down his cheeks. Ashton squeezed his hand.

“Yeah, maybe we should,” he whispered. Ashton had to lean closer to hear, and their dazzling proximity almost knocked Luke off of the bench. Ashton broke out into a smile. From this close, Luke could see his lips and feel the words on his skin.

“Well,” Ashton said. “First, you put your head on my shoulder.” Luke did as he asked. “And now I kiss the top of your head.”

Ashton’s kiss felt like the cold drops of water falling on his head, sending shivers down his spine as they rolled down his back. Luke was worried about his hair. Did he wash it this morning? Did it look greasy from up close?

“I tell you I really like you.”

Luke clenched his eyes shut until the tears lined up where his eyelids met. He nodded again, his lips trembling with prayers begging for Ashton not to notice. His cheek burned where it rested on Ashton’s shoulder, and Luke honestly thought he was going to die.

“And then you tell me you really like me too.”

He could hear the smile in Ashton’s voice and he could hear it fall when his kind-hearted words were met with silence. Luke’s hands were close to ruining the cup. Perhaps the scalding hot coffee burning his trembling fingers would give him an excuse to cry and save him from this embarrassment.


Ashton lifted Luke’s head off his shoulder, forcing him to meet his gaze once again. He frowned when he saw how red Luke’s eyes looked.

“Oh, Luke,” he whispered, as he stole the cup from Luke’s fingers. “Oh, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Luke shook his head in a wordless apology. Ashton mimicked the action.

“Oh, come here. I’ll get you out of here, if you want. Want me to get you home? I’ll give you a ride.”

He put the cup down next to him and got up. His hands grabbed Luke by the wrists, pulling him off the bench.

“Come on, love. Let’s go.”

The velocity of his decisions and actions rendered Luke dizzy, and he was taken aback once again by how easily Ashton swept him off his feet. They walked through the crowd, and Luke, Luke closed his eyes.

Now all he could feel was Ashton’s hand on his lower back, the other entwined with his own. His head was resting on Ashton’s shoulder, and Luke could feel his curls grazing his cheek when they bounced up and down. His body moved along with the steady rhythm of Ashton’s pace.

He kept his eyes closed as they rounded corners. When he was out by himself, Luke hated it when people bumped into him. It made him feel small, and the touch made his stomach churn. But now the way Ashton’s grip on him tightened every time someone came too close, he wished for a tidal with of people to walk all over him.

“Luke, we’re here. You can open your eyes now.”

Luke blushed when Ashton stopped. Had it been that obvious that he’d closed them?

He stumbled out of Ashton’s embrace, and opened his eyes. They were standing in front of a huge black car, the paint shining brightly in the sun and the keys safe in Ashton’s hands.

Luke couldn’t find it in him to be surprised.

“Let’s get going.”

With a loud click, the doors unlocked, and Ashton opened his door for him. He had to grab the bar at the side to get in, the seats too high for his trembling frame. The car was unsurprisingly clean, and Luke spotted Ashton’s briefcase in the back. It smelled of Ashton, new leather, and something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He saw a pack of cigarettes in the door.

“D’you wanna put your address in?” Ashton asked, pointing at the GPS on the touch screen. “It’ll be easier than giving me directions.”

Luke nodded quickly. The leather creaked when he leaned forward, his trembling fingers typing clumsily.

“You live in the dorms?”

Ashton asked. His eyes left the road momentarily to look at Luke. Luke hadn’t even noticed the engine starting.

“Yeah, I do. I’m still in college.” 

His hands tightened in his lap at the sight of Ashton. He had shrugged off his coat when Luke wasn’t looking, too busy sniffing his car, and now his shirt was showing off his biceps. His huge hands looked gorgeous, his fingers curled around the steering wheel, and he was biting his lip in concentration.

“I thought so. You smell like noodles.”

It was official. Luke was going to die right there. Sitting in a hot, rich business man’s car.

He blushed an entirely new shade of red, his hands clenched to fists in his lap.

“Luke, I’m only joking,” Ashton said. Luke turned his head to face him, and he broke out in a smile. Serious Ashton had disappeared. Next to him sat a boy with the highest giggle Luke had ever heard and mischief shimmering in his eyes. “I noticed the supply of noodles you bought when we met at the store.” 

Luke laughed out loud this time, the curious sound filling up the whole car. Ashton joined him, and Luke could feel the anxiety melting away. He loved it.

“You’re an asshole, do you know that?”

Ashton smirked.

“Give it a few dates, and who knows? Maybe I’ll be your asshole. “


Had my first oral exam yesterday. Didn't go as bad as I expected. Unlike my Math exam. (I had to go outside because I had an anxiety attack and I couldn't stop crying). Oh, and it's a winged eyeliner kind of day ;)

NOTE: The next chapters are gonna be cute bonding between Ash and Luke, so if you have unfulfilled fantasies, let me know! (I already got some cute suggestions that I'm definitely gonna use!

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