The "Screamer House" Earns its Name

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"Oh shit."

You wake up to the rustling of grass and the sight of a girl wearing a pretty dress crawling off of your chest.


"We've been here all night, sleepy. It's dawn. Get up."

The faraway howl of a wolf startles you into action, and you sit up, collecting your baskets and blankets and packing them in your car, still parked a few dozen feet away.

Before you move to sit in the driver's seat, you feel fingers wrap around your wrist. You turn around and meet Celine's waiting lips as she embraces you in another kiss.

"Ok. Let's go," she says with a smile.

You return home as the sun reaches further in the sky.

"I guess this is where we part," you say as you pull up to the girls' driveway.

"Wait, what? You're not coming in?"

"Huh? Why would I- "

"Oh, um... no, never mind. I guess I just... " Her voice trails off, and she stares down into her lap, a look familiar to you.

"Celine... do you want me to stay?"

"...yes. even if it's just for a bit? ...I want to be with you a bit more...."

"Ok. I'll stay."

"Wait, really?"

"Of course! If you want me to stay, why wouldn't I?"

She squeaks in excitement, hugging you and practically dragging you up to the front door.

She quietly unlocks the door, careful not to wake any of her roommates...

But to no avail, as you both stumble upon Imane standing in the kitchen.

She smiles mischievously as she sees you, frozen like a deer in headlights.

"My, my, look who it is... Mr and Mrs. 'It's not a date!'" She chuckles.

Celine, quickly turning red, scampers away muttering unintelligibly, ignoring your calls.

"So? What is it, mister? What..." Her voice trails off as you stare at her. "hmm?... why do you look... what did I do?"

Her smug grin fades into a curious frown.


"Wait, REALLY!?!"


"You actually... are you guys... did you..."

You scratch the back of your head and stare at the floor, unable to find a way out.

"...oh..." Clearly not expecting to be right, she looks at you, curious for more, but wary nevertheless.

"It's... weird? We still need to figure out exactly what we are. But... yeah..." You finally let out, allowing the tension to fall out of your shoulders as you open up.

If there's anyone I can trust, it's her. I can tell her this.

Confirming your thought, her hand rubs your back comfortingly as she guides you further into the kitchen.

You tell her about what happened with you and Celine, and she smiles in adoration.

"That's... so cute! I'm sorry for teasing. I shouldn't have been so forward."

"It's alright. She'll be fine," you reassure her.

You take a seat at the kitchen counter as you finish your conversation, receiving a quick peck on the cheek before watching Poki skip upstairs.

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