(R) Making Up with AriaSaki

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"Hey, before you go, can we talk?"

You turn to see Brooke's hand reaching for your shoulder, pulling back once she realized she had your attention.

"Yeah, sure... about what?"

She looks around at the rest of the girls slowly filing out of the door, and you pick up on her signal.

You casually wait around, waving goodbyes to those who left, until it was just you, Brooke, and Kyedae left inside.

"Kyedae... are you going to go soon?" Brooke starts.


"Oh! Um..."

"I need to have the same conversation with him," Kyedae slowly lets out, barely managing to look you in the eyes.

"How do you even know what we're-"

"You're the only other girl here with a boyfriend, Brooke."


"Yeah, I... I needed to talk to you both about that too," you add.

Brooke gives you a knowing nod as she recollects the few instances you tried to bring it up to her, now realizing your intention.

"So?" You ask, sitting down on her bed again, taking in the combined scent of the 6 girls who slept there with you.


"So what are we gonna do?"



The girls are silent, continuing to mull over the thoughts that have consumed their minds for the past few days.

"I can't lie," Brooke starts, "I like you. Like, more than in bed. I know we haven't hung out that much besides that, but I feel a strong urge to be around you..."

"Me too," Kyedae cuts in, blurting out what was on her mind before she could stop herself. "I like you a lot. When we kissed, I... I wasn't just shocked at what I did. I was shocked at how much I liked it."

"I mean... if you had taken me into your arms right then and kissed me again, I... wouldn't have stopped you."

She immediately stares at the floor, clenching her fist in response to her growing stress.

You put your hand on her shoulder, and she silently places her hand on yours, holding it in place.

"I remember when I walked in on you and Tina for the first time," Brooke says with a chuckle. "I'd seen Tina with a couple other guys over the years, and sometimes I joined in, but I never enjoyed it that much."

"But seeing your caring face... and how you treated me... you completely listened to me when I set a boundary, and that's not something most guys naturally do."

"I... I wanted you. I wanted you in my arms. Sometimes I wanted you to fuck me... and other times I wanted you to hold me. I just wanted to be with you, no matter what."

Their heartfelt confessions make you blush, and you realize that the feelings you had toward them, the forbidden thoughts you had tried to lock away, were just as real as theirs.

In response to her last words, you hold out your other hand, and Brooke embraces you, sighing contently as she lays her head on your chest and wraps her arms around you.

The three of you stay like this for a minute, one hand wrapped around Brooke, the other on Kyedae.

"I like both of you... a lot. At first, I didn't want to feel this way, since it would make things messy... but I can't deny it anymore."

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