Water is bad...

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Dipper clicked his ball-point pen furiously, studying the journal with his eyes narrowed against the bright sun. He leaned against a pine tree (so ironic, I know), deep in the woods, a place he had never been before. A gurgling creek flowed in front of him, blue and pristine.

"C'mon... Why isn't this-Gah!" Dipper crunched too hard on his pen, and blue ink splattered all over him.

"Well, that doesn't look like it's going to come out, right little Pine Tree?" A mysterious voice said mockingly. Only one voice calls Dipper pine tree. Bill Cypher, the dream demon. His always watching eye appeared in the sky, looking at him quizzically. It shrunk, then formed his Dorito-like body around it. He whisked his cane, pointing it at Dipper.

"Bill! Wha-what're you doing here?" Dipper tried to keep his voice under control, but it still shook. It wasn't everyday Bill comes around. The dream demon tired to once rob Grunkle Stan's mind of the code to the deed to the shack, but Dipper, Mabel, and Soos defeated him. It didn't look like he was coming back after that.

"What, I can't check up on you? I like your gumption, kid. And this is because you're coming to close." Bill grabbed Dipper by the back of his shirt, and held him over the rushing river.

"What! Stop!" Dipper yelled, trying to get out of his tight grasp. He managed to free himself, falling and colliding with Bill's floating body. They tumbled down, splashing into the river. The rapids took Dipper, rushing him downstream, Bill immersed under the water behind him, making chocked noises.

Dipper felt searing pain in his legs, and strangely his ears. He thrashed in the water, his mouth being filled with the water. It was like millions of razor sharp needles were pressing into his skin. He heard Bill yelling in pain. A distant thought passes through his brain, demons don't. Feel pain?, before he smacked his head on a rock and sunk into the river, black spots dancing before his eyes...

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