Chapter 10: The Reunion

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"I think you have been meditating for 5 hours" Hera told me when I went to the cockpit. "I have?" I told her in worry. "Yeah I was wondering when you were gonna come out." We both laughed.
Zeb and Sabine came in a few minutes later. We were all talking about random things. Finally I told Hera I was going to lay down. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I just have a headache." I told her reassuringly. "Alright." She said Turing back around.
I went to my cabin a laid down and looked up at the ceiling. I thought of Kanan and he would talkin to me at this moment. Asking me if I was okay, or telling me that I was doing a good job.
Then I Remebered he was.....gone. That's when the ghost got hit. It jerked. I fell out of the bed.
I ran to the cockpit. "What's going on Hera?" I said seriously. "I don't know but we got hit by something." She said turning the ghost around.
I saw another ship... But who was driving it. That's when Hera froze. So did Sabine and Zeb. "It can't be..." Zeb said in shock. "No.....I am dreaming." Sabine said not lookin away.
That's when the ramp of the ghost opened...and a figure stepped in.
Hera,Sabine, Zeb and I looked at the ramp as the figure came up. It it can't was...Kanan!
Hera was the first to speak,"K-Kanan?"
"Yes love it's me." Kanan said with a smile.
She ran as fast as she could and hugged him. Followed by Zeb and Sabine.
I just stood there..he died in my arms...he can't be..
He looked at me and smiled. "Ezra...I'm alive."
I couldn't speak..then he walked over to me and looked at me," Im proud of you...son."
I hugged him and cried..

Our friends....
Our team...
Our Family

Was together again

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