Chapter 6: The Dream

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I went up to my room to rest a little because I have been running to hard. I laid down and closed my eyes.
______Ezra's Dream______

The inquisitor looked me straight in the eyes and had Kanan in a head lock. "Well, looks like your gonna lose everything after all." He said with a smirk. "Let.. Him.. Go.." I said with my lightsabor in hand. He looked me like he always did. Before I knew it, he stabbed Kanan and I screamed and everything went black.

______End of Dream_____

I jerked up. Breathing really hard, sweating, and looked around. I am still in the Ghost. I felt really dizzy. I got up and went to the kitchen to get some water.. I was on my way there when I heard talking.. I went to the kitchen an d sat down. I drank slowly then I hear boots walking down the hallway. It was Kanan.. He saw me and was shocked. "Can't sleep either?" He asked sitting down beside me. "Had a bad dream that's all." I told him. I wasn't going to tell him what about. "We'll I am here if you need me." He said when he was getting up. "Night Kanan." I said. "Night kid." He said and went back to bed. I went back as well. I wasn't going to wake Zeb. He would be mad. I went up on the bunk and fell asleep. Hoping I wasn't gonna have another dream.

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