Part 19

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Hey guys!  

Sorry for the long wait. I'm without ideas this days. So... Here's a bad notice - this story is ending :(

I know, I know, you guys should be asking: Why? Well, in the first place, this story needs MAJOR editing. English is not my language, so I sometimes write in the present, others in the past, and is confusing. Second, like I said before, I'm without ideas for this story anymore. So, I want to end soon so I can continue with The Runaway and Surprising Feelings. And I'm thinking that with this chapter, will have only two more: the last chapter and the epilogue. THIS STORY IS NOT HAVING A SEQUEL! Well, for now. If I have any idea I'll tell you guys.

Enjoy cupcakes! 


Camila's P.O.V.

Well, today is the last day of school. Ever. This is good and bad. Good because we're going to college and real start our lives. And bad because we will not be little kids anymore, and we will have to take care of everything like adults do. I'll miss some of my friends.

Macaia will do college in another country, with her dad. Nawel is going to Seattle, with her boyfriend Ryan. Destiny (thank God) will do the same university as me and Justin. And Tayla, she's going to Europe. She decided to make a huge trip around the world before actually going to college. It's a good idea, but my mom didn't let me do it. She's now not working that much, and my dad finally got a job again. Rafael is still on Germany with his wife, Samantha, but now he visits us more. Justin and I live in his house, which now is just for the two of us, because his dad passed away last year, and his mom is in hospital, because she becomes a depressed woman after that. I don't blame her tough.

But let's go back to where you last saw me. I was trapped with Alicia, and Justin saved me. Long short story, after I blacked out, some policies arrested Alicia (and her dad too, because of the trafic ticket she didn't pay that other day) and I got to the hospital because of my cut. I stayed there for only five days, all time with visitors. Not that I complain. I loved. I never liked hospitals. And after that we continued on high school, getting in today, our last day ever. I'm feeling like singing, but I'm not in High School Musical (this is sad if you think about it). But that's okay. We'll graduate in 3 days, and I'm excited. Well, you probably noticed that.


"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!!!!!!" I screamed with everyone, looking at the clock on the wall. The first one to say something was of course my beloved friend Maria Clara, who couldn't wait another minute to scream "FREE!!!!!!” To mirror her movements Destiny did the same, running like a crazy old woman on the corridor, followed my Macaia. Tayla and Nawel, 'the normal ones' started doing high pitched scream's, jumping up and down like they won the lottery.

Well, this feeling is close to what we're feeling right now. I didn't plan doing nothing right now, but Justin had others plans. He turned me, making me look at him, and without hesitation pulled me in a very deep kiss, which make me walk away because I needed air. "Get. A. Room!" The girls screamed, separating me from him. "Hey! Don't think that I will not to this when you kiss yours boyfriend!" I said, tickling every one of them. Everyone has a boyfriend now. I have Justin, Nawel has Ryan, Destiny has Lucas, Maria Clara has Chris and Tayla has Thomas. They all started to date a couple of months ago. I still remember we all together on that movie date, when we all were crushes from the others. I smiled.

"Why you're smiling? Remembering of your perfect boyfriend?" Justin whispered in my ear, hugging me from behind. "Nope. I was smiling because I was smiling. Problem?" I said, turning to look at him, one eyebrow raised. "Hell yeah! You can only smile while thinking about me." He said, getting closer and wrapping his arms around my waist, making me get closer. "Well, I just broke the rules. What will you do?" I whispered, pecking the right side of his face, next to his mouth. "You have been a very bad girl. I know exactly why to do." "Oh yeah? Than what will you do?" I asked after listening his answer. “He got closer to me and whispered "This".

And with one movement, he grabbed me and lifted me in the air, and start spinning me. He knows that I fucking hate that because make me feel nauseous later, but I couldn't care less now. I have a boyfriend, I have my best friends, I have my parents and my brother. I have everything I needed. And this couldn't be minus perfect.

Plus, tonight it will have a big party on our house. How could today be any better? 


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I will aprecciatte a lot! See ya :) 

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