Part 4

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Camila's P.O.V.

It was Alicia. Wearing (I'm not surprise) a clothe more bitchy than before, with a mini short (like, VERY mini) and a loose t-shirt. Of course, she was with high heels and a lot of makeup. Like usually, Lauren and Marie was behind she, gossiping about something. Alicia suddenly looked at me. Her eyes showed her angry very well. Oh boy, I'm so screwed...

Me: Guys, look behind, it's Alicia. She's going to kill me!

Destiny: I can believe this, we're early than every day, it's not possible... (Turns her head) Ok, it's possible, but what the hell she's doing here? Alicia is always late for class!

Macaia: I guess we bet get going, before she comes to here and try to push Camila's head of.

But, before we could do something, Alicia was already in front of us. She wasn't that fast, because she was a cheerleader, and I'm in the running team of school (with Tayla, because Destiny and Macaia are too lazy to run. So they was in the volley team - witch I hated, but that's okay), but she wasn't slow. Lauren and Marie are looking at us like they are the frogs and us the mosquito's (okay, that wasn't a good comparison, but you get it). I was afraid from what it'll happened. Alicia can do anything she wants in a blink of eyes. Please God, help me!!!

Lauren: Look at who we find. Camila, Destiny, Tayla and Maria Clara. Called too the dumb of our school.

Marie: I don't see any difference in the word dumb and they names. You see any, Alicia?

Alicia: Really no. I this is the damn same thing. I think too they're ugly like they name's. Principally in the Camila's name.

They laughed at that. Wow, that was so funny (not the sarcasm here). If Alicia really think these words are getting in me, she's incredibly wrong. She can't even make some good phrase. So stupid. But of course not she is stopping here. If she's the person who I think she is, she'll tell something better, which she knows that affect me...

Alicia: I forgot! We can't be friends with Camila. I don't know about you, but I really want to have a friend with a crazy family like her.

Okay, this was very low. She knows about my unemployed father, and thinks he really stole that money. She thinks my brother is affected in drugs, because in one party he drunken too much and almost rape a girl (okay, it's really weird. But I can really blame him, and yes the alcohol in a party of people under 18's). She thinks my mother is cheating my dad, because she always come back late from work (I really don't understand why Alicia this it). And Alicia thinks that I'm lesbian, because I'm always close to my friends and just have 1 boyfriend in my interlay life.

Mason was my first boyfriend, but he one day told me he needed to do some homework and when I walked in his house, he was cheating on me. I shout at him and punched him so hard in his chest that my hand mark was on him for a week. I haven't date anyone since then; Destiny has her boyfriend, Lucas, but he didn't study in our school. Tayla is single, but she has a crush on Thomas, from our biology class (and I think he likes her too). Macaia isn't dating anyone, but she and Chris liked each other, and they're together, but not dating (yet). So, I was the only single. It really sucks. Alicia was still there, with Laura and Marie, looking at me. I want to cry, but I can't let her win. I have to tell something...

Lauren: Someone cuts your tongue? You didn't know to speak anymore?

Me: Really Alicia? You believe in everything fucking think people tell you? You think they don't lie? My family isn't crazy, believe it or not. Every people have yours up's and down's. You don't have any right to going talk to every people in the freaking school about what happened with my father, because it's not true. And you know what? Fuck you, you didn't have anything to talk about me. It's not like you like me anyway, so you really should back of, bitch. You don't deserve my time, and I don't deserve yours. So let's just get of the wait of another and never speak again, okay? Get fun with your little freak life all lied. I really don't need to get another people to fuck my life, she's already that way. So go away, you don't need to fuck more.

Okay, I exaggerated too much. But I was already crying, so I really have to get out of there. I was running like a crazy to the bathroom, when I suddenly I bumped in someone hard chest. I can't see anything with my eyes all with tears, but I have sure of one thing. It was Justin.

Cliffhannger!!! I'm so devil ;)

Hahaha, vote and fan PLEASE <3

This took so long. I really need feedback. Comment what you think!

Love everyone :)

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