Part 7 (FINALLY :D)

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Camila's P.O.V.

I'm trying to put things together. Justin KISSED me! He told me that he loves me. I can't believe in this. I'm still in the hospital; Justin is doing the papers for me to get out, because he told to Derek (my doctor) he was my boyfriend. Cute, isn't it? But he is still dating Alicia. Justin told me that he will break up with her (thanks God), and then we can be a couple. I called Destiny to update her and the girls from what happened and they are crazy about it. I don't blame them, I was crying my heart out this morning, and now I'm (almost) dating my crush since forever. It's too much for anyone to get. I'm getting on my clothes, when Justin opens the door.

Me: Justin! Get out from here! I'm putting my clothes!

Justin: I'll see this one day, you are just showing earlier then I thought.

Me: Pervert!

Justin: And proud ;)

Me: Ugh. Can we get out from here now?

Justin: Just waiting you, princess.

I can see the smirk in his face. Jackass. When we were finally out from the hospital, I saw... OMG! Nawel (she was wearing! I don't see her in ages! She was my first friend here... But she moved to Atlanta because of her father's job. And then we lost contact. It was because of her that I met Macaia, because both her and Nawel mother's worked together. I have to talk to her.

Me: NAWEL!!!!

Nawel: OMG, Camila? Is you???

Me: Yes, it's me! Oh my Nawel, I don't see you in ages! How are you?

Nawel: I'm fine, cupcake! I just moved out from Atlanta to here again, did you know that?

Me: WHAAT? Really?

Nawel: Yes! I'm finally back, thanks God!

I can't believe this! Nawel is back! I missed her so much. I totally forgot Justin was behind me, hehehehe...

Me: Nawel, I want to you meet Justin, he's m-my...

Justin: Boyfriend. Nice to meet you.

Nawel: Nice to meet you too, Justin. Sorry guys, but I have to go to grab some things for my Hause.

Me: Where you will live?

Nawel: Remember my cousin's house that we made a sleepover ages ago?

Me: Yes, that in the middle of nowhere and I took ages to get there.

Nawel: Exactly. I'm moving to there, because my cousin is in a trip and will just come back and 2 months. Well, really have to go. See ya!

Me: Bye!

I'm so glad that I found her. But Justin told... Wait! Justin told her he was my boyfriend!

Me: Justin, why you told to Nawel you was my boyfriend?

Justin: Well, I will look like a loser if I told her that I'm only your friend, and I pretend to be your boyfriend some day, so it makes sense.

Me: You're so annoying!

Justin: But you like it ;)

Well, this is true. We get to his car (he have a big sport car, all blue with white light on the side. Is very cool) and drove to our street. He parked on his house and went around the car to open the door for me. Such a gentlemen...

Me: Thanks for everything, Justin.

Justin: No problems.

Me: Well, I will go to my house now before my mom freak out because of the time.

Justin: You're forgetting two things.

Me: What?

Justin: First, your backpack. And second, a kiss, don't you think?

Me: No, I don't think that.

Justin: You just get your backpack after my kiss.

He holds my purse in the sky, and because he is taller than me, I can't grab it. Dammit Justin!

Me: Give it to me Justin, now!

Justin: Give my kiss and I give your purse!

Me: Ugh, okay.

Justin: You're telling this like you don't like my kisses...

He putted my purse on the ground, and closed hiss eyes for the kiss. So stupid... I grabbed my backpack and run to my house. He seems to 'wake up", and looked at me in a crazy way.

Justin: You're paying back from this.

Me: I don't think so, Bieber.

If he think I'll be all easy with him, he's incredibly wrong...

I got in my house and got directly to my room (it looks like,). When I got there the first thing I saw was my dog, Sweetie. She is all white, only with her ears chocolate brown. She's the cutest dog that I ever saw. I adopted her when I only have 14. It was my birthday present. The second thing I see (and I'm not surprised with that at all) is my 3 so called best friends in my bed. I'll have so many things to explain in the next hours... Oh God, help me his time...

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